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Darkness. All you could see was the color black with subtle swirls of purple throughout. 

Am I even conscious? 

You could recall taking a somber stroll through the local park the night after finishing the Naruto series. Obito was heavy on your mind, not just his fate, but also the entirety of his life in general. You thought profoundly about what could have been; his childhood, how he was always left behind, how his future as a shinobi was stolen from him, and how he was the cause of a majority of negative events throughout the series, including an all-inclusive war. Each thought cut you deeply. You would be lying if you said you weren't genuinely fond of him. It would be an even bigger lie to say if you had the opportunity to go into his universe to prevent these events from happening, you wouldn't go in a heartbeat.

Sighing heavily, you placed yourself on the dew-coated ground overlooking the lake in the center of the park; the grass was still wet and slippery from when it rained hours before. Strolling there late at night when nobody was around was a decent way of coping with stress. However, the tension felt over Obito proved to be too great for this habit to ease your racing and admittedly troubled mind. 

Peering over the edge of the lake, you sought any form of distraction and hoped that your reflection could provide just that. The luminescent glow of the moon revealed a dark silhouette upon its surface, but something else in the water caught your eye. In front of you, a distinct spark appeared in the otherwise unlit dullness of the water. 

Overwhelming curiosity convinced you to discard your coat to retrieve the object with your hand. Perhaps a sensible person would ponder what exactly that item could be before hastily shoving their hand to it – for all you knew it could have been a spark of electricity and your short life could have ended right there, but fate had other plans for you.

Your eyes widened, taken aback by watching your arm travel deeper into the water, deeper than what should have been possible. Before you could question just how much farther until you reached that coveted shiny object, your shoes scraped against the slippery grass, causing you to fall forward and strike the water headfirst.

As thin, jagged lines of bubbles floated and danced around your body and up toward the surface, you conversely sank deeper, noticing that light significantly growing in size. You could feel how it was slowly, silently moving through your limbs, pushing you downward even faster.

You couldn't take your eyes off the bubbles as they popped just above the water's surface, your hand reaching for the rippling beam of the moonlight above. As you sank deeper, the light enveloped your entire being and everything ironically faded to black...

As time had passed, so had the feeling of being submerged. Though it was difficult to pinpoint how much of it, you thought that it couldn't have been longer than mere minutes, when the blinding light of the midday sun roused you back to consciousness.

What... what the hell just happened...? you pondered groggily, struggling to lift yourself with a push-up, eyes still shut.

You felt weaker than you probably should have, evidenced by the amount of effort it took to get yourself up and finally open your eyes. In front of you was a familiar body of water, but the areas surrounding it was completely foreign to you. Cherry blossom trees lined the walkways and benches, their pink pedals fluttering down to rest with the light green lush of the grass.

Your eyes shifted in confusion before settling your line of sight to the water in front of you. Your face appeared to be that of a seven or eight-year-old, with a small-scale body to confirm it. Immediately your eyes went wide before letting out a petite, child-like scream.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora