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It must have been the longest night of your life. Your squad was to pack everything and return home that following morning, and Obito still hadn't woken up. You were scared that attempting to bring him home would rupture his opening and cause him to never wake up again. In your hands, you tightly clutched the stuffed animal he'd given you for your birthday; its worn fur stained red from the fresh blood that escaped through your wound and soaked into its fiber.

It's funny, you thought.

I don't know if this is from my blood, or yours, Obito.

The crushing guilt over your best friend's sacrifice ate away at you as your knuckles delicately caressed his paled expressionless face. You grasped that this must have been what Obito felt when he thought he lost you to Madara, and you fathomed that the feeling truly was hell.

For what had to have been the hundredth time, you pulled out the picture you kept in your pocket, one that also gave you strength during missions like these. The picture itself was beginning to fade and its ragged edges gave away its age, but it never ceased with soothing your mind and bringing a smile to your face.

Onit was you and Obito, happy and free. One arm was wrapped around his shoulder asyour faces pressed together in a playful and endearing manner. He had managedto sneak in bunny ears on you, which may explain the larger than usual smile hesported that day. That was definitely the highlight of your picture. His smile. Obito always had the most uplifting winning smile. The way he would close his eyes in delight from seeing you always filled your heart with such joy. You were so terrified of never seeing that smile ever again. You stared at that picture for hours.

Your concentration eventually began to degrade, with your attention shifting to your surroundings. You were disturbed by the lack of medical supplies in the base – or any supplies for that matter. Distraught also gripped you from the inexcusable shortage of medical ninja on such a potentially perilous mission.

Rin came by to check on Obito occasionally and even addressed your wound, but she would reluctantly leave shortly after to mind more mortally wounded ninja. It must be so incredibly difficult to be the only one trained to treat so many injured shinobi, especially since Rin was still recovering from being taken hostage by Zetsu. You promised her that you would watch over Obito for the both of you.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm sorry, Obito... I'm so sorry... Why am I so... damn... weak...? I don't know how to take care of myself. I don't know what to do. What would I do if you...? No. I won't give up on you. I need to have faith in you, like you did with me.

While deep in thought, you felt a twitch on the hand that was holding Obito's and you snapped your head in his direction in shock. You watched his eyebrows quiver and furrow before his lids rose in what felt like slow motion. His dark eyes immediately landed on you and he fixated them there for what felt like forever.

Neither one of you spoke. The conflicting sensations of guilt and anger, euphoria and relief overwhelmed your senses, wracking your body to an indescribable degree of emotion. You felt your mouth open on its own and immediately tasted salty drops, only then realizing you had begun to cry from seeing his eyes again. Obito tried uttering your name, but only gargled noises managed to pass through his dried lips. You instantly reached for a wooden canteen and held Obito's head up as he drank; all the while, you were still in sheer astonishment that he managed to pull through.

You wanted to hug him. You wanted to squeeze Obito and never let him go ever again, but you couldn't. Both of you were far too fragile to disrupt the minimal amount of blood shared between the two of you. Still, you held on to his limp arm with a grip that told him of all of the pent-up emotions you had harbored for the past two days. 

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now