Life Goes On

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A/N: As of 5/7/2022, this chapter went through some changes. This time was mostly updates to the dialogue, but I also added a few extra scenes, ones that make my heart feel like it's about to explode from my chest. I'll let you guess which ones ;___; Thanks for sticking with me all this time!

Also, this chapter's picture is fanart drawn as a gift for Valentine's Day by my good friend Milo-chan on Ao3 ^^


"Obito, you and (y/n) are expecting a baby."

Wide-eyed, Obito blinked twice at the news. His mouth hung slightly agape and his body stilled in fright while the rosy tinge of his blush stung at his cheeks.

"A... ba... uh... but... we...?"

Your own cheeks glowed a vibrant rosy color, the redness deepening after each passing second of Obito's unintelligible speech.

"She, there's, I'm... d-dad...?" he babbled in your direction before yanking his head away sharply in sheepish apprehension upon sharing eye contact with you, to which your head lowered back to where your gaze landed on your lap, catching Rin's attention.

"(y/n)," her soft voice beckoned. "If you're worried, it's not that uncommon for a couple to start a family without making it official. Do you know what I mean?"

You nodded your head, your chin slightly tucked at a downward angle.

Your low effort response prompted Obito to snap out of his stupefied daze as he and Rin regarded you with concern in their expressions. Silence clouded the room, allowing you to reflect on the negativity in your demeanor.

"I-I'm so sorry... I don't mean to... I... y-yeah... I understand, Rin. I've just been feeling... horrible lately."

It greatly pained you to witness the worrisome expression on Obito's face; you somehow managed to choke out what you had gone through that day on the way to the hospital – your grave mistake with the Kazekage, Orochimaru, and Tobi. You were physically and emotionally unable to bring yourself to mention him by name to Obito, but seeing you so beaten down and shattered, you knew that Obito was in just as much pain as you were.

"I will advise you as honestly as possible," Rin said, her professional attitude back full force. "Try to put a cap on your stress levels. It's normal to experience mood swings during pregnancy, but by the looks of it, the amount of stress you're currently undergoing can have serious consequences for your little one."

She then averted her attention back to the papers in her arms, her expression turning solemn. "Which also brings up the concern I have about the toxins you inhaled recently. I would like for you to return weekly so we can keep an eye on your child's development; we don't know what sort of harm that toxin can do to a developing child. In the meantime, I suggest finding methods to reduce your current stress levels. Whatever that may be, I'm here to support you both," she offered with a gentle closed-eye smile.


The trek back home was a torturous one. The unrelenting chirping of numerous crickets in the distance were the only melody to accompany you. Obito insisted on carrying you bridal-style back home, as you still had minimal energy to do so yourself, but other than that, neither one of you spoke to each other. The news was still in the process of consolidating in your minds, but Obito's especially. This truly was not what he was expecting to return home to.

 You found the courage to peer up at Obito, to find his expression fatigued yet blank. He sensed you watching him but chose to observe the path straight ahead.

"...Are you upset?"

Obito peered down at you for the first time since you two stepped foot outside before his gaze returned to the road, his gentle pace softly swayed you up and down with each step forward.

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