The Savior of This World

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"Is that you, Rin? A-are you okay?" You tried hard to keep your voice from sounding too startled; you didn't want her to know just how awful her condition looked.

Rin smiled weakly, but it still didn't quite reach her eyes. "You... came? For me...?"

You nodded faintly, your face expressing some confidence, but mostly guilt. Your voice barely carried past a feeble whisper – your chakra levels were severely low from being drained by Zetsu. "Obito and I have been looking for you for months, Rin."

Rin's eyes widened for a moment at Obito's name, and she struggled to lift herself up. Her arms wobbled before she collapsed back onto her stomach, stirring up a small cloud of dust upon impact.

"(y/n)... I don't think... I can stand..."

"No worries... I'll help you," you murmured and slowly stood up, legs trembling as your feet skidded into the corner of the dark room. Her sunken yet gentle eyes peered up at your outstretched hand as she shakily reached for it. As she lifted herself up, your strength suddenly gave out, causing the two of you to tumble to the ground next to each other.

"I – I'm sorry Rin," you said between rising breaths, voice soft and full of remorse. "My chakra is so low... I don't have the strength anymore."

The room then went eerily quiet, the only sounds coming from the labored breaths the both of you took as you struggled to recuperate your strength and chakra levels.

"We might be here for just a little while longer, Rin. It's not so bad, though," you said and lifted your head off the ground to look over at her. "I'm... actually really happy to see you again."

Rin slowly shifted her half-lidded eyes to you, seeming to stare through you, her face expressionless. "But I thought... you didn't... like me. That time... at your house," she managed through a strained voice.

Your heart ached at the innocence in her voice. She was referring to the night you downright rejected her friendship after you, her, and Obito had a seemingly wonderful night together. That was years ago and outside of insincere greetings or the occasional mission, you made sure to ignore her as much as possible. There were other times the three of you got together, but you pretended as if nothing was wrong while Obito was present. With him gone, you were back to shunning her. Rin was always too nice to tell him what was going on; she didn't want to cause trouble, so she simply endured it.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about, Rin..." you trailed off sheepishly as your heart began to speed up, the anticipation becoming unbearable. "Since we might be here a while, I guess it wouldn't hurt to share something with you."

You then took a deep, labored breath.

"Rin, for these past few months, we've been looking all over for you, and there was never a day that passed where I didn't regret how I treated you. To tell you the absolute truth Rin, I treated you so terribly because I was... well... jealous of you."

Rin's eyes, which were directed at the wall behind you, slowly lowered down to yours, offering what little remained of her soul within them.

"For years I resented how perfect you were. You were everything I wished I was, but that's not the biggest reason why I treated you so poorly. The truth is..."

You swallowed dryly, chest heavy in apprehension.

"I'm in love with Obito, but Obito loves you and I hated you for it. I hated you for something that was out of your control."

In the back of your mind, you were scolding yourself for telling Rin that Obito loved her.

What are you doing, (y/n)? What if Rin finally realizes that she loves Obito too? You essentially just matched them up! I told you not to fall for him. It was going to break your heart, yet you fell in love with Obito anyway.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now