No Expectations

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It wasn't easy, but after having a serious conversation with the Third Hokage, he actually gave in and reinstated your position as a Genin of the Hidden Leaf. What won him over was your point about Sakumo Hatake – Kakashi's father – and how his disobeying actions benefitted the village by saving his comrades. The only reason why he took his life was because of the unethical rules posed by the village. You made a point that if it wasn't for your actions, then Rin (and perhaps someone else) would not have made it back safe.

Hiruzen's decision surprised you. It turned out he had a soft spot after all. He agreed under three conditions, however. One was to never disobey his orders and leave the village unauthorized again.


Two, since you couldn't go unpunished, you must help with various tasks around the ninja academy two times a week for six months, as a form of community service.

Fine. You got it.

And his final condition: to keep this incident between you, him, and Obito. It was a fair request since the village elders would surely have had a fit if they learned about the Third's unauthorized decision.

He was, dare I say, breaking the rules. 


At the six-month mark, you finished your mandatory community service at the academy, which left you wondering if you were that annoying when you were those kids' age. You disregarded this thought, remembering that these kids are the future and many of them showed real potential and hope for this village. You were walking up to your door and were surprised to spot Rin already there.

"(y/n)! I'm glad I caught you!"

"H-hello," was the only response you could come up with for the excited girl in front of you.

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to come with me and Obito to see Kakashi on his birthday," Rin beamed, her cheeks glowing pink.

Kakashi at this age was incredibly mean-spirited, and you sort of held a grudge from when he insulted your 'inferior' Earth Style techniques a while back. Your hands tensed into fists, hesitant to agree, but you saw this as an opportunity to finally get on speaking terms with him. Besides, if Obito was there, someone would have to keep his anger and jealousy under control.

You happily volunteered. 

"Sure, when's it at?" you asked casually in an attempt to sound cool and laid-back, but probably failed miserably.

"It's right now! Obito was really hoping that you would come. I didn't invite you before since I didn't think you and Kakashi got along..."

"Obito wanted me to be there?"

"Of course!" Rin said cheerfully while making her way down the steps, with you apprehensively following behind her. "We were on our way to get you until a woman asked him to help her carry something into her house, so I'm here on behalf of the both of us!"

You stayed silent, on the way there you made sure to keep a considerable distance between you and Rin.


The three of you reunited around Kakashi's apartment. Rin was the one to knock and greet Kakashi when he opened the door. You mustered up the courage to greet him next, only to be blatantly ignored, which earned him a piercing stare from Obito.

"Rin, what are you doing here? There's no emergency mission for us," Kakashi stated in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Happy birthday, Kakashi!" Rin declared with a closed-eye grin while holding out a present.

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