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The village was silent as you laid on the rooftop of Obito's house, gazing up at the stars. The sun had set hours ago, and you stared at the night sky as they glistened within its endless depths. Something about the stars in this world was different from your own, more alluring. It felt like a deeper connection was hidden within the subtle glow of the moonlight. It brought you comfort, as if indicating that you were on the right path.

It was the night before the first day of the academy. It had been months since you met Obito, and despite having your own apartment, you found yourself spending some nights at his house in preparation for ninja training. After practice sparring one night, you had collapsed onto your back in the training field in exhaustion, your eyes lighting up in pleasant surprise by the beautiful display of the starry sky and invited Obito to join you. Since then, it had become one of your favorite pastimes, to take in what the night had to offer – with him.

Lost in thought, you turned to look at Obito who had been chattering for a while, your concentration returning as he was in mid-sentence.

"- so I told him that I don't care if he's younger than me, I will beat him up anytime! And then Bakashi said – "

"Wait, Bakashi?" you interrupted. "D-did you seriously – just call him... Bakashi?" You couldn't help but spring into laughter at the little 'pet name' Obito labeled Kakashi and managed to muster between laughs, "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"

Hearing this, Obito grinned and rubbed the back of his head. "Really? I think it suits him. Rin doesn't like it when I call him that, though. She says we should all get along if we're going to be classmates together. Like I would waste my time being all chummy with someone like him."

You closed your eyes and chuckled knowingly in response. "Well let's hope you don't get stuck on the same team with him. That'd be pretty hilarious." Your lighthearted expression then fell, peeking into Obito's eyes. "Which reminds me. Class starts tomorrow, huh? Are you nervous?"

Obito shook his head roughly. "No way, not in the slightest! I'll finally be able to become a formidable shinobi and get some respect around here." 

The last few words he said trailed off into a barely audible mumble, as if he were embarrassed or ashamed by something.

Not catching his discomfort, you smiled and hummed in response before your face shifted into a similar uneasiness. Being keener to catching subtle cues, Obito quickly turned his attention toward you.

"What's up? You got quiet all of a sudden." 

You looked over to your friend and saw his arms crossed behind his head. "From what I know, Uchihas excel in fire-style techniques, right?" 

Obito nodded proudly. The way he carried himself sent off mixed signals, as if he were trying to smother his insecurity behind overconfidence.

"Well, since I don't know where I'm from, I'm just nervous that I'll never figure out the techniques that fit me." You began unconsciously squeezing your hand into a fist. "I've decided a long time ago that I wanted to be a ninja with you, but what if this training at the academy is a waste of time for me?"

Shocked by the sudden uncertainty, Obito shot up from his spot on the roof to get into your face.

"What do you think we've been training and preparing for this whole time? I don't know about you, but I think you have what it takes! Don't lose hope, okay?" Obito flashed his signature grin. "We haven't even gotten started yet for crying out loud! Don't worry, I'll keep helping you along the way. So cheer up, ya big baby!" he said playfully and held out his fist in front of you, the full moon mirroring off his face gave him a remarkable gleam in his eyes.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now