How Could You?

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You finally awoke to the sounds of yelling coming from the Uchiha chained to the wall across from you. Groggily, you took in your surroundings, noting how you, Obito and Kakashi were each chained to a separate wall in the same incredibly tiny square bunker. The area was so miniscule that your legs were able to make contact with theirs, effectively forcing the three of you to stare at nothing else but each other. Your brain then began to register an unimaginable pain...

"LET US GO, YOU BASTARD!" Obito screamed at the top of his lungs as he clawed desperately at the chains restraining him.

"QUIET DOWN, OBITO!" Kakashi uncharacteristically screamed back. "There's nothing you can do now."

"What," Obito stated firmly, trying hard to keep his remaining composure, "Are you seriously going to give up, just like that? You aren't even going to try to get the hell out of here?"

"Look around you, Obito! It's pointless. Our best course of action is to keep quiet and listen to his demands," Kakashi instructed.

"No. No way. I'm not going to give in to some low-life rogue ninja who can't even come down and FIGHT ME FACE TO FACE –"

" – OBITO!"

Akito chuckled from afar as the two continued to argue. "At this rate, I won't even need to use my jutsu. They're already pouncing at each other –"

A moment later, the yelling suddenly stopped. Curious, Akito peered down, an eyebrow raised.

There was still noise emanating from inside, but it was a complete switch from yelling – it was crying.

"(y/n)? (y/n), what's wrong?" Obito cooed softly, your whimpers immediately extinguishing his rage.

" – hurts!" you managed to whine out, both of the boy's gazes then landed on the hand chained at your side. The fingers were mangled, bending at angles where they shouldn't be, earning a wince from Kakashi and a gasp from Obito.

"Oh, that?" Akito finally made his presence known. "I'm aware that her Earth Style techniques specialize in protection, meaning she is able to skillfully shift the area around her better than most Earth style users could."

His attention then turned to Kakashi, eyes squinting slightly. "I would've done the same for you, the one with the mask, but you are actually a bit of a threat – too much so to get close. I'm lucky my jutsu was able to capture you in time. You are a fast one, but you should have considered deploying some teamwork instead of trying to tackle me alone," he scoffed before turning his attention back to you.

"She was weak, so I seized the opportunity when I saw it –"

Staring at your injury, Obito seethed.


"-You should be thankful that I only bothered with breaking one of her hands!" he interrupted. "Not that it really matters. You three are going to die here, anyway. But not before I dig into some juicy gossip!"

"B-but... why?" you managed to exhale between gasping cries.

"I like to capture ninjas from different villages and scan their minds for village secrets, then sell the intel to other nations. It's why things didn't work out between me and the Yamanaka Clan, but that can get boring, so I like to switch it up by making my guests turn on each other! You'd understand if you lived alone out here for as long as I have."

The three of you stared in disbelief. Minato did mention that he has the uncanny ability to destroy one's will in a unique fashion.

No! I need to form a barrier and shield Obito and Kakashi! But... my hand... forming signs is impossible now.

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