The Ultimate Test

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A/N: I found this beautiful picture pinned by Chiomaibe on Pinterest; I'm not too sure how that website works, so if this is not the original artist, please let me know!


Impatient footsteps echoed through the corridor as you eagerly skipped to the hospital's exit. A hot gust of wind blew through your hair once the doors opened, and you let loose a triumphant sigh at knowing you were finally free from the confines of a hospital bed. The severe injury in your chest and shoulder took weeks to heal, and even longer once it reopened from the malignant encounter with Kusuo Uchiha.

By that time, Rin discharged from her part-time rehabilitation and cut down on missions to return to her full-time duties at the Hidden Leaf Hospital. Humorously enough, her first patient happened to be you. She waved you goodbye as you trekked to the shopping district with a particular jubilance in your steps.

The first thing I'm doing to celebrate my newfound freedom... Ichiraku Ramen!

Your arms swayed enthusiastically while on your quest for food, moving through countless villagers and overhearing their discussions as you passed them by – but one conversation lessened your avid skips to a halt.

"I've heard a lot of talk about Asuma Sarutobi. What's been going on with him?"

"Didn't you know? He just got promoted to a Jonin!"

"Really? He's that good? Do you think he has what it takes to become Hokage one day?"

"I wouldn't doubt it; he is the son of Lord Third, after all."

The two villagers then moved out of earshot while you stood there deep in thought.

That's right... I'm supposed to be helping Obito become Hokage, yet he's still only a Chunin. But what can I do for him...? Wait, I know!

With your mind made up, you ignored the aggressive grumbling in your stomach and hastily reoriented your destination from the ramen shop to the Hokage's office.


"Please, Minato-sensei. As Obito's former teacher, he needs your approval before he can become a Jonin. I think he's more than ready for it."

Minato's stance seemed tense – his elbows rested on the desk, his fingers laced together and propped his chin up with his face in serious contemplation.

"(y/n). In order to qualify as a Jonin, a ninja must usually master at least two Elemental Chakra Natures, and from my understanding, Obito has mastered one."

"Y-yeah, that's true, b-but you also haven't seen the new jutsu Obito taught himself. You see, it's called Bomb Blast Dance – it's where-"

"(y/n)," Minato softly interjected. "I know you believe he's ready for the responsibility, but as his former instructor, I can't see it that way – at least not yet. Obito is strong, but he needs more experience before I can authorize his promotion."

You closed your mouth, realizing you had left it slightly agape while your back impulsively stiffened, preparing for your next point. You weren't giving up that easily.

"I know life as a Hokage is busy, but you must have had enough time to read the report on me and Obito's personal encounter with Madara by now, right, sensei?"

Minato stayed silent, his face remaining unreadable.

"I may have temporarily disabled the statue, but it was Obito who fended off Madara the whole time. I need to repeat, Minato-sensei – Obito stood off against the Madara Uchiha, and won. If that doesn't make him qualified to be a Jonin then I don't know what will."

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