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A/N: These last few chapters take place while Obito is Hokage and our precious baby Uchiha is about 14 or so years old and now a full-fledged ninja. In the final chapters I listed them as gender neutral so you could insert your own idea of a child into the story. However, in these few chapters I made it so our child is a male named Tobi. You can still pretend that it is your own OC child, I did this to make things easier on myself (the story would lose dramatic effect if I just wrote [son/daughter] repeatedly). 

The ending is very dear to me, and I hope you find joy in it, too!

This chapter's picture was drawn by my dear friend Milo-chan on Ao3! It shows our boy Tobi growing up with us and Obito by his side ^^


As the sun began its descent through the darkening sky, the noises of hardworking shinobi in the midst of practicing on the training field began to slowly die down and replaced by the distinct sound of evening cicadas signaling the end of summer. Left behind in the training props and logs were shuriken and kunai embedded deep within their fiber with various other ninja tools scattered about and neglected to be picked up after a long day. Soon only few individuals remained in the training grounds. If one were to watch from afar, it could easily be seen that a scuffle was unfolding; particularly with a certain young shinobi, one with spiky, dark hair and a rather loud, rambunctious mouth.

"That was good work today, you two. Let's call off training tonight and pick up where we left off tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me, I've got a beautiful date with the barbeque shop! Catch ya later," the adolescent shinobi remarked casually through his changing voice in the midst of transitioning from high-pitched to low.

"Wait, Tobi!" his teammate pleaded. "I want to show you something that will prove I was right about that argument we had the other day."

Tobi paused and offered him an annoyed look over his shoulder, only granting him half of his attention. "Uh yeah. Which one are you talking about again?"

"This will explain it," he stated simply and pulled a box containing an archaic looking kunai.

Tobi's eyes lit up, fascinated by the sight, only for him to shove his emotions back down. "So, this belonged to your grandfather, huh?" his arrogant voice asked passively, pretending to have only partial interest.

"Yep," the childish but proud voice replied. "He said this kunai was one of the last used weapons during the Third Great Ninja War. He even told me that using this one weapon caused the turning point for the war!"

Tobi scoffed and snatched the antique kunai from his teammates hand to inspect it further.

"Hey, be careful with that, Tobi! It's really old-"

"Whoa," Tobi muttered under his breath, his dark eyes darting over each intricate marking before coming back to his senses. "Man, you're so full of it, everybody knows the turning point for the war happened when Lord Fourth showed up and wrecked everyone all by himself!" he remarked and closed his eyes, flashing a toothy, confident grin before tossing the kunai midair for his teammate to catch it by its handle.

"Actually," a third, more mature and feminine voice spoke up. "The turning point for the war happened at the Kannabi Bridge, led by Kakashi Hatake, Rin Nohara, and both Obito and (y/n) Uchiha, Tobi." His sensei pointed out. "Yes, the Fourth Hokage Minato was involved, but it appears that you're missing key points from your story."

Tobi's arrogant expression dissolved at the correction. "W-well, how the hell do you expect me to remember every detail about what happened? They never taught this stuff at the academy!"

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