That Mission

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A/N: As of 2/15/2022, I made a few formatting/grammatical updates to the chapter, which I am planning to do for all chapters soon. Making any sort of edits on Wattpad causes all previous comments on that passage to be moved to the end of the chapter. I don't know why it's designed like that, but if you find that your comment is no longer where it should be, this is why. Apologies for that!


The seasons changed swiftly as you kept up your duties as a ninja. Months teeming with farming and pet sitting became indistinguishable from the rest. You had barely any time to breathe, let alone think about things like home or your past life. Despite this, every year you found comfort in watching the life of cherry blossoms in the village, fascinated by how they would bloom and wilt, only to come back even stronger every spring.

The Chunin exams came and went and, despite facing the danger and challenge head on, you still found yourself still at Genin status by the end of it. It was a blow to your ego. Almost everyone else was promoted to Chunin immediately. The Third Great Ninja War made it so ninja graduated and promoted easily, so standards were much lower.

That night after the exams, you and Obito were walking to his house to go star gazing, the bag he was holding contained the Leaf's signature green Chunin outfit. The crumpling noise it made while you two walked only plunged your thoughts deeper into disappointment. Obito, on the other hand, couldn't have been happier. His smile and excitement never left his face the entire walk home. You were strangely comforted by this. 

"I'm finally a Chunin! It took long enough," Obito started with excitement in his voice. "This means that I can start leading teams and go on real missions soon! No more babysitting, or walking dogs or catching cats! It's only danger and real experience from here, (y/n)!"

Your already weak smile faltered when you realized that Obito was now eligible for C, B, and maybe even A rank missions, while you were stuck with D ones. You and Obito have had missions together in the past, but never any that risked your lives. Now not even those would happen anymore. Not while you were still a Genin.

Obito lifted his Chunin jacket in the air in front of him to admire and reflect on the work it took to earn it. His gaze then fell to you, where he noticed your head was low and your eyes downcasted. That's when he remembered you were one of the few not immediately promoted to Chunin. He felt like such a huge, pompous jerk for basically throwing his achievement in your face when you couldn't quite share the joy in the exact same way. 

"Hey, (y/n). Cheer up, okay? I'll tell you what, the next time you take the exams, I'll help you with that one, too."

You peered up at Obito skeptically. "How would you even manage that?"

"I don't know, I'll sneak in somehow and give you all the answers on the exam, and I'll protect you in the Forest of Death, too." Obito then smirked and raised his fist in front of him confidently. "Hopefully I'll have my Sharingan by then, so it'll be a piece of cake!"

You giggled at his contagious enthusiasm. "I don't think they'd let me cheat by bringing in a Chunin."

"Now see, the key here is that they don't find out about it," Obito winked. "Besides, they encourage cheating, don't they?"

"That's true, we are ninja, after all. Gotta be sneaky snakes," you said playfully.

"Yeah, you got it! Now you're talking!" he replied with hope and reassurance in his tone.

Hopefully he will be here for the Chunin exams next time. I still need to formulate how I plan to prevent that from happening, you thought as the two of you laid down on the rooftops to look at the stars, just as you've done countless times before.

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