A Shinobi's Resolve

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A/N: Do you know what day it is? February 10th marks the birthday of our boy Obito! Here is the final chapter of our story to celebrate such a joyous occasion! A very happy birthday to our goofy Hokage <3


"I said it once and I'll say it again. Let me out of here or you'll regret it, you huge creep!" demanded the fatigued Uchiha who'd been struggling against his binds to the point of chafing the irritated skin around both wrists enough to extract blood.

"Why can't you just be a good boy? I would think you would know better than to threaten one of the legendary Sannin."


I – I think I remember hearing about the legendary Sannin at the academy! What jutsu does this one use? Damn it! 

"My dear boy, what is your name?" asked Orochimaru, distracting Tobi from his thoughts.

With his walls up, he glared at Orochimaru, and with an aggressive tone answered, "Tobi Uchiha."

"Tobi... Uchiha?" he pondered while experiencing flashbacks of the nameless boy he held captive and tortured for his eyes, until you appeared and graced him with a name 14 years ago. An image of that young boy flashed through his mind and appeared next to Tobi; the two looked almost identical in terms of looks and fiery passion in their expressions.

At the thought, Orochimaru blinked, his expression blank. "Interesting..."

"You asked me a question, now I get a turn. What do you want me for exactly?" he asked in a hostile tone.

"I need a body. It's simple as that," he noted while the female body he currently resided in began to chip and rot in various places, revealing the pale filth that breathed underneath. "This one has run its course. It was more difficult than I could ever have imagined capturing a skilled Uchiha. You just so happen to meet the requirements I am looking for. And who better to fill that role than the Hokage's son?"

Tobi inwardly cringed at the reminder of his father's incredible profession, and the secondhand pressures that trickled down onto him because of it.

"So you knew that he's my dad, but not my name? You're such a tool. Well, anyway. I hate to break it to you but just because I'm related to him that doesn't mean that I'm... the right fit..."

Orochimaru sensed Tobi's hesitance and relished in taking full advantage of it.

"I'm aware of your faults and blunders as a shinobi. Could it be that you know that you will never amount to anything past mediocrity and commonplace?"

Tobi growled, his expression fierce. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You're weak. But I can make you strong. That is why you are here. Lend me your body, and rest assured you will be the most powerful shinobi in all of the Great Nations."

For the first time since arriving at the dreadful hideout, Tobi's guard began lowering; his walls crumbled down evidenced by the faint slumping in his once tense shoulders.

"This body snatching, I'm guessing it hurts?"

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "I hear it pinches."

Tobi grew quiet. Another trait he seemed to inherent from you was his lower-than-average tolerance to pain.
"Hmm. Poor thing." The Sannin turned his back away from him. "You said your name is Tobi?"

Tobi only continued to glare.

"Your chakra... You remind me of someone. A shinobi who tried infiltrating one of my many hideouts, about 14 years prior. She caused quite a stir, that one. Though I am surprised she got so attached as to name her biological child after such a failure and disappointment of a child."

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