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I succeeded. I protected Rin...

Wait... Rin! She's... still trapped in my barrier.

I can't die here...

I need... to release...

Quivering hands struggled to raise to your chest, the dire weight of failure pushing you to form feeble hand signs.

The Jutsu...

You clasped your hands together to complete the final seal, forcing all the breath out of your lungs. Before long the protective barrier around Rin disintegrated, her face was full of gratitude before her sight landed on the overexerted body bleeding profusely among her.

"Rin!" yelled Obito, who was still fending off the enemy, "Heal (y/n)!"

"Right!" Rin affirmed and began releasing a green aura around your abdomen without another word.

"That (y/n) of yours is pathetically weak!" the enemy gloated as he continued to clash with Obito. "I'm doing you all a favor by taking her out of her misery!"

Obito was fuming. Ragemixed with tears in his deeply crimson eyes as he shouted andcharged vehemently at the man. They clashed weapons again, the crooked smile never leaving the enemy's face. That is, until another form appeared unexpectedly behind the man, him realizing too late that he had let his guard down. He unleashed a pained grunt while blood projected out of his mouth upon being impaled, with some of it splattering over Obito's face, but the Uchiha's fervent and protective expression remained unchanged. The figure who attacked from behind turned out to be Kakashi; his face was unreadable behind the confines of his mask.

"That woman is going to get you killed one day," uttered the man as he took his final breath. With his eyes still brimful with passion and the vibrant red from his Sharingan, Obito leered down at the man and solemnly declared -

"I won't let you or anyone else hurt my friends ever again. I swear it."


Darkness. That familiar darkness. It's that same mysterious, churning darkness you felt all those years ago, the one that transported you to this world.

Am I... leaving this world? I... saved Rin... I prevented Obito from getting crushed. Have I accomplished what I needed to in this world? Am I going to die?

Somber thoughts plagued your mind as your vision swirled in that familiar darkness. Suddenly, a blurred tinge of light emerged from outside your closed eyelids and you began to open them slowly, carefully. With your vision initially clouded and obscured, the first thing you recognized upon your sight returning to focus was him.

"Obito," you muttered and only then became aware of the irony taste and smell of blood around you.

Obito's face was indescribable. It was a mix of relief and joy, frustration and grief while his eyebrows knitted together in agonizing concern. Slowly, your hearing returned to you as well.


Your name sounded heavenly coming from his lips.

"You're gonna be okay. Rin stopped the bleeding. You're gonna be just fine," he chanted while his red eyes scrutinized your weary face, though it sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more than anything else.

"Oh (y/n), we're so glad you're okay!" Rin exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around you in a hug, completely catching you off guard. You never liked Rin - the vibe you always intentionally sent her surely prevented her from liking you too, you figured. But there she was, her form over yours in a gentle embrace.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now