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A/N: Hey, friends! I hope you've been loving the story so far! It would truly help me out if you could vote on some of your favorite chapters so far, I would love to know which parts of the story you like best! And a special thanks to those who have voted already!


Weapons clashed through the air in a seemingly endless cycle, the sound of metal grinding against metal, howls and yells coupled with the rugged pounding of tempest rain and thunder saturated your surroundings. Obito, Rin and Kakashi as well as numerous other Leaf ninja were summoned to rendezvous in an area between the Hidden Leaf Village and Hidden Cloud Village because of the alleged betrayal by Cloud ninja and attempted kidnapping of the Hyuga princess, Hinata.

You weren't expecting to accompany the mission, but a member of the Uchiha clan had stopped you with an urgent message from the Fourth Hokage to join the group immediately. It surprised you that the Hokage decided to send you of all people, especially since you had a prior appointment set up and were on your way to see Minato before receiving your new orders. Regardless, you found yourself well beyond village borders.

Tension was high between the Leaf and Cloud shinobi; both syndicates idled on standby near the frontlines in preparation for if negotiations fell through. The four of you were discussing a potential battle strategy in case things got serious when Obito began to lose focus; one hand clutched his goggles while he idly dug his pinky finger into his ear with a bored expression on his face, until a pointed object sticking out of the ground piqued his interest. Obito's voice clearly indicated fascination as he beckoned you over to check it out with him.

You moved from your spot to Obito's location when a sudden yell from a Cloud ninja on the other side followed by an unanticipated lightning blast struck a fellow Leaf shinobi directly behind where you stood, startling everyone. You stood there completely stunned at the blatant disregard for the peace treaty and you seriously considered the attack to be an accident, but you didn't have time to assess the situation very long as enraged Leaf ninja immediately charged to the other side in preparation for battle – with the intention to kill. 



"Obito, we'll issue a direct attack on the enemy at 3 o'clock. Take the lead and I'll cover you," Kakashi ordered before turning to you. "(y/n), Rin, head for 9 o'clock and protect that group from the enemy and keep an eye on their lightning weapons. We'll meet back here once the fighting clears."

"Right!" you all said in unison, Kakashi's levelheaded composure supplying you with confidence to fight. The two pairs then split in opposite directions toward the battlefield.

Rin immediately tended to an already injured shinobi lying on the ground while you charged ahead to defend a nearby Leaf group. One Leaf nin was already struck down before you could even begin to form hand signs.

These Cloud ninjas are so fast!

You had always known that a strength of Hidden Cloud Ninja was their speed, but seeing it up close was an eye-opening experience as you assessed that your protective jutsu was much too slow to defend anyone from these weapons. 

What... what can I do, then...?

You heard a threatening sound of a sword sliding out of its sheath as your head darted toward a Cloud shinobi about to strike down someone from the Abarame clan. Your legs worked faster before you could sensibly assess what to do, flagrantly disregarding the heavy wind and vicious rain cascading directly into your face and mudding your vision.

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