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"Do you see anything, (y/n)?" Obito yelled up to you, his voice barely reaching your ears as you surveyed the area from the top of a tree.

"If I saw anything, I would have said something, Obito," you tried to yell back to him, knowing that your much softer voice would never reach him.

You began to climb down the tree while Obito continued to search near the trunk for any signs of Rin or Zetsu. Though he would never admit to you that he did so also to make sure you didn't fall and get hurt.

Once you got close to the ground, you hopped off the tree and landed with a thud and a faint 'oof' which attracted Obito to your location. You hadn't noticed something falling out of your bag as it made only the faintest noise as it collided with the earth.

"Let's keep heading northeast," you stated calmly. "I hear there's some area up there that has a lot of animal bones in it. Villains love graveyards and stuff like that, so I'd bet all my Ryo that they're sneaking around up there, somewhere."

You lost track of exactly how long you and Obito spent wandering the fields. The terrain shifted constantly with the changing season, with the once lush green grass withering back into the earth. Each day grew bleaker, and you chastised yourself for watching the show and yet couldn't remember where Madara's hideout was located.

"It's getting late, though. We should take a break here for a while," you added. "I'll go grab us some water."

As you walked off, Obito started following you before something twinkling on the ground caught his eye.

"Huh...? Is that...?" he muttered and bent over to pick it up.

As Obito moved the object from its spot, it made a familiar ringing noise, one that made you stop in your tracks and lightly gasp. Obito held the object closely to his face as he pieced together where he last saw it. It was a small plush of your favorite animal. Its washed-out, matted fur was in your favorite color with a navy-blue bow wrapped around its neck. Dangling from it was a tiny bell that was so worn that it only made noise when roughly shaken.

"Hey, I remember this!" Obito exclaimed as he held the plush slightly above his head and rattled it, disturbing the bell.

"Be careful with it, Obito! The bell's really loose, it might fall off!" you said and struggled to grab it out of his outstretched hand, his build towering over yours.

"I haven't seen this guy in years," he declared nostalgically as he gently inspected it before finally handing it back to you. "I don't think I've ever seen you with it, not since the day I got it for you. Have you been carrying it around with you?"

Obito's question sounded like he was mocking you, but he was genuinely curious as to why you had such an item on a mission like this. Your cheeks flushed, embarrassed that Obito finally found out that you carried the stuffed animal he got for you wherever you went. You couldn't lie, you took it with you on missions because the sound it made always soothed you. You loved to take it with you on especially long missions when you were away for the village for some time; it acted as a memento to remind you what you'd be coming home to. It also made you feel like you were taking a piece of Obito with you wherever you went.  

"I – I don't think that's any of your business," you managed to blurt out, cheeks still tinted pink.

Weak excuse.

"It totally is my business since I was the one who got it for you," he replied with a cocky grin.

You two had a silent staring contest for dominance in the conversation for a while before you sighed and slumped against the tree behind you.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now