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You had been sitting in that chair all day. It'd been so long that you couldn't feel your legs anymore; every part of you had become numb, both physically and mentally. Your mind went blank from the overwhelming sensations of everything you went through over months, and everything you were going through now.

There was the shock of returning to civilization after surviving with Obito in unfamiliar territory for so long. You still had the responsibility to report to the Fourth Hokage about everything that happened on your journey. Your own injuries were extensive; you weren't supposed to be out of your room, but you had to go and wait on Rin's condition. Your heart ached, overwrought with guilt about what Rin had done to save your life.

During the past few months of her captivity, Rin had been secretly storing small amounts of chakra for if things got critical for her. Once she saw the condition you were in after Madara's relentless assault, she chose to spend all of her accumulated chakra to revive you, despite how you treated her over the years. Even though she did forgive you, the crushing weight of guilt was still unbearable. All of these thoughts piled up until you just couldn't handle it anymore as you bent forward in your seat and placed your bandaged hands over your bruised face from the overwhelming mental pressure.

The only noise in the room was the faint electronic "bzzzz" sound from the outside emergency room light being on, the one that signified an operation was currently in progress. Obito was stirring up noise as well, as his frantically paced footsteps and blatant disregard for his own injuries told of his thumping anxiety over Rin and her chances for survival. His distraught back-and-forth pace pulled you out of your haze as your concern shifted to Obito's own wellbeing.

"She... she's going to be okay, Obito. You don't need to-"

"You don't know that, (y/n)!" Obito impulsively snapped, his anxieties finally getting the best of him as he paused to face you. "Y-you saw the faces those nurses made when we brought Rin in. We... we don't know if..."

You watched with worrisome eyes as Obito's fist clenched, being physically unable to finish vocalizing his thoughts.

Obito may have been dense at times, but he wasn't stupid. He knew of the serious peril Rin was in. He felt the immense weight of the situation. He recognized the grave circumstances of his friend. Forced optimism wouldn't help now, but that didn't stop you from at least trying.

"Hmm... think of it this way, Obito. What Rin did back there, what put her here, it was because she believed in us with everything she had. Let me ask this. Do you also believe in Rin, that she can pull through this, too?"

Your question instantly silenced Obito as he tried his best to calm down. "Yeah, of course I do. I'll never stop having faith in her." He glanced down to the stained bandages coating his hands. "I don't know what's gotten into me. All I can think about since we brought her in is what I could've done better."

You slowly stood up, allowing the feeling to return to your legs before facing your best friend. "You have to remember Obito; they specifically requested the Tsunade Senju, one of the legendary Sannin to look over Rin. She's regarded as the greatest medical ninja out there! Just keep holding onto that faith for her, and trust that she's in good hands."

At this, Obito's rough breathing pace eased as he peered down at you, his worrisome face lessening to a more reasonable one. "Y-yeah... you're right. Rin's gotta be okay. I believe in her," he stated as he glared at the closed door before turning his attention back to you.

"You... you always know just what to say, (y/n)..." Obito tried complimenting you sheepishly as he directed his head to the side with his line of sight to the floor.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now