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It didn't matter how Obito felt, you tried reasoning with yourself. When you arrived in this world, you decided that the reason for it was to save Obito and nothing else. You achieved that goal. Whether or not Obito disliked you was irrelevant.

Oh who am I kidding. It is totally relevant to me.

But still, after successfully taking down Akito with Obito and Kakashi, you realized some things. Obito was important, but that didn't justify neglecting the other people in this world. You were specifically referring to Kakashi and Rin. Never in a million years would you have guessed that Kakashi actually liked you.

But if he truly likes me then how come he's been treating me so poorly?

However, the most important thing to focus on next was Rin. During your captivity, you made a vow to Obito that you would confess and make amends with her. You never liked Rin in the show. She was a typical 'nice' girl with no real flaws and was perfect in every way. But getting to know her firsthand let you experience just who she truly was – Rin really was remarkable, but you couldn't see that under that thick, suffocating cloud of jealousy. You truly did want to make things up to her, but that was easier said than done.

Have I ever had someone who I once thought was my friend just waltz up to me one day and had them say they hated me, but they don't anymore so that makes it all okay?

You audibly sighed. Gathering up the courage to do so was a work in progress. There was another issue you have to address, though, and that was your relationship with Obito.

Minato warned you that Akito Yamanaka was known for destroying spirits and breaking bonds. You and Obito are still strong, he assured you, but he asked for some time to think by himself. That absolutely terrified you. Obito had never asked for time away from you. Even though he insisted that you two were okay, you couldn't escape the notion of Obito realizing he hated you and that he never wanted to see you again.

That was your worst nightmare, you decided.

Obito, on the other hand, was in utter turmoil. As he laid down on his rooftop staring at the stars alone, it became increasingly, unbearably lonely without you. But he had to think. He couldn't get what you said out of his mind. 

"Obito. Loving someone who doesn't love you back,"

"It's hell."

Obito squeezed his eyes shut as he struggled to accept what those words really meant.

Was the reason (y/n) hated Rin because she was envious of her? What reason would she have to be jealous? (y/n) is already amazing in every way!

But wait...

...Does that mean (y/n) loves me?

...Loves... me?

His heart raced at the thought. He quickly brushed aside the sharp blooming rising in his chest. There was just no way an Uchiha like him deserved anything like that.

Obito couldn't comprehend being on the receiving end of love and affection.

He then thought to when the three of you were traveling back to the village after your successful assassination mission. He was in the middle of bandaging your injured hand when you spoke up.

"Obito, what was that back there? You looked up at Akito and suddenly he just froze. Was that your Sharingan?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"But I've never seen you use it like that before. What made you suddenly do it?"

"I...I'm not sure. I just remember being so disgusted by that guy. How he treated us, how he treated you – I just couldn't stand it anymore."

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now