A Night Out

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The space inside your home remained dark and vacant, undisturbed by even the most basic of human contact. The only source of light emerged when you swung your door open to allow the luminescence of the moon produce a vague outline on your furniture as you tiredly navigated to your room. You and your team had just returned to the Hidden Leaf Village after a lengthy escort mission to a neighboring land. It wasn't particularly hard, but you didn't get back to the village until way after midnight. After peeling off your gear and getting changed, the sight of your bed almost made you cry as you plopped down onto its soft surface and buried your head ardently into the pillow.


A dreamy sigh passed through you as your body melted into the plush surface, happily surrendering yourself to the sweet embrace of sleep...

*knock knock knock knock*

Your tired eyes snapped open at the sudden noise coming from your door.

"This better be worth it," you stated with not even a hint of amusement in your voice. Judging from the frequency and force of the knocks, it sounded urgent.

Opening your door revealed your best friend as he gleamed down at you with such an exhilarated expression. He didn't even try to hold back his wide, toothy smile as he greeted you with enthusiasm.

"(y/n)! (y/n), you have to come with me! You need to see this!" Obito said above a whisper. He hardly tried to keep his voice low since it was so late - the excitement in his tone overshadowed any shred of concern he would ever have of that.

"Obito," you began as you lazily rubbed your eye. "You know I'm always down to hang out with you, but at four in the morning?"

Your question failed in retracting Obito's grin as he reached for your hand to pull you outside with him, unable to wait any longer.

"Wha-? H-hey, Obito!" you huffed and resisted his grip by pulling back into your doorway. "I'm in my PJ's, I can't go anywhere in these!"

It wasn't that you couldn't leave your house in your pajamas; you'd done it before, but the nightwear you decided to put on that night was a tad revealing. You had on a tank top with the words, 'I'd rather be sleeping,' with matching short-shorts that had sleeping clouds strewn across them. You were clearly outgrowing them as part of your navel was exposed to the chilly night air, but you couldn't bring yourself to throw it out as it was your backup for when you didn't feel like washing your clothes. You were beginning to regret not doing it earlier, as Obito's excited demeanor had finally convinced you to leave with him right then and there.


Obito eagerly led you to the middle of the sparring field at the training grounds, finally letting go of your hand as he started his usual warm-up stretches.

"Uh, Obito, if you wanted to spar, you could've at least let me grab my weapons... or wait until even birds were awake," you stated in a tone that was half irritated and half playful.

Obito shook his head roughly between exercises, the smile never leaving his face. "Not this time, (y/n)! I can't wait to see the look on your face after I show you what I got!"

When the two of you would have sleepovers, it wasn't uncommon that you would pull all-nighters. There were also some nights where you two would train together way past 3am, but Obito never made a special trip to your house to wake you up to go somewhere this late before. Not to mention, you hadn't seen him this darn excited in a long time. What he had to show you must really be good.

"So I've been showing up here every night to work on a new jutsu, and I think I finally got it down!" he exclaimed in his usual loud tone, the volume of his voice no longer a concern.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now