Misguided Judgement

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A/N: As of 5/3/2022, I made some major changes to the overall chapter. I hadn't realized it, but this chapter was previously written in a rather mean-spirited tone which wasn't the intent. Just like before, the plot remains exactly the same, but I rewrote most of the dialogue and added some parts to fix what I wasn't quite happy with. Please let me know what you think!

Also, I commissioned this chapter's picture from lewisrockets on Tumblr! Go check them out for some affordable and stylish commissions! :}


"Begin preparation for the procedure. I believe our subject is ready for experimentation."

Confined within the depths of an undiscovered location, a roaming shinobi remained strapped to an operating table surrounded by scalpels, vials and tools of various shapes and sizes.

"Let us review your information gathering skills before you set off on your mission in the Hidden Leaf, Kabuto," a mysterious voice instructed as a slimy, repulsive hand began puncturing the skin of the nameless and now screaming ninja.

"I am to infiltrate the Chunin Exams as I've done six times before, to gather intel on the village's newest shinobi forces. We will find one that is compatible with your high standards and expectations."

The evil and pale being smirked. "That's a good boy. Leave this subject to me and go prepare for your mission. I look forward to the fresh bodies the Hidden Leaf has to offer. Do not disappoint me, Kabuto."

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."



"So when they specifically requested me to take on a group of students, I looked at them like they were crazy," you chatted casually with Obito while sauntering alongside him to the training grounds. "I'm not good with children, so I don't think I could handle it. It's not that I don't like kids, but I don't think that I would have the patience for it – so it wouldn't be fair to the students if they were stuck with a good-for-nothing sensei who doesn't know what the heck she's doing."

"You say that as if you're so sure about it, (y/n). Yet Kakashi of all people accepted the position to become a sensei. If even he can do it, then you'd have no trouble being one. But still... Kakashi-sensei... who would've thought," Obito replied with a hint of fascination in his voice. He secretly admired Kakashi's new role as a certified sensei. Something about passing skills along to the next generation earnestly appealed to him.

"It's almost as weird as when he first invited me out for barbeque, like he had an instant change of heart and started to respect me," he added. "I don't get how he works. Sometimes it feels like he's just playing one big joke on me."

You subtly exhaled in amusement over Obito's puzzlement – since you knew the reason for Kakashi's total 180 was a result of you pivotally bonding with him over your speech eight years ago.

"Well, what about you? Did you respond to the Hokage's request to become a sensei, Obito?"

He responded with a quick shrug, shaking his head. "Nah. I really should focus on becoming the next Hokage first."

"But every Hokage so far has been a sensei before moving up in ranks. It might look good for you to take on a team, you know."

"Babysitting Naruto counts for something, right? Besides, I have a hard enough time just keeping you in check," Obito jested while wrapping one arm around your shoulder, pulling you to his side while you laughed playfully.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon