Swelling Fire

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A/N: This chapter's picture I commissioned from hakkobi on Tumblr depicting the events from last chapter ^^


Why? Why would Minato-sensei send an Earth Style user to the Land of Lighting? He's smarter than that. He wouldn't purposefully and needlessly put me in harm's way, right?

Such intrusive thoughts plagued your mind even weeks after returning to the Hidden Leaf Village following your close brush with death at the hands of a lightning-style user of the Hidden Cloud. You didn't want to blame Minato since you should have been more mindful about the elemental matchup, but that didn't stop you from wondering – why. Something just wasn't right, and you knew it.

You recalled the morning your teammate Hideki interrupted your earnest meeting with Obito by the pond to respond to an emergency mission personally issued by the Hokage. You immediately felt that something was off about Minato as soon as you stepped into his office as he would occasionally glance your way with a specific look in his eyes while instructing your team of the mission – though you had your suspicions that this 'emergency mission' was just a cover-up to get you into Minato's office without rousing suspicion. After receiving your orders, your team scattered while you stayed behind, returning a serious look to Minato which confirmed that something was undoubtedly occurring behind the scenes.

Minato summoned you to his office under false pretenses to ask you to provide sensitive intel – regarding the Uchiha clan.

When you stopped Obito from being crushed all those years ago, you simultaneously prevented the Nine-Tails from being released into the village. You knew that the Nine-Tails was controlled by the Sharingan, which caused fierce distrust between the Uchiha clan and the rest of the village after the incident. This boiling hatred was why the Uchiha were planning an uprising and consequentially lead Itachi to massacre his clan to prevent civil war. You thought that because of what you did, the village avoided that entire catastrophe - that was until you met with the Fourth Hokage that morning.

There was still great tension among the Uchiha clan – an ancient hatred that spanned since long before the Hidden Leaf was established. This hatred has only expanded over time, and Minato was beginning to catch on to it. With few options, he knew that he could turn to you for potentially valuable knowledge with your 'foresight.' You decided that now was the right time to reveal to him the secrets of the Uchiha clan.

It was then you discovered - you didn't completely prevent a massacre or uprising, you only rearranged when it will occur.

Minato broke the news after you explained everything you knew about the events that led up to the original clan downfall. He was shocked to learn that the clan had planned to overthrow the Hidden Leaf if not for the village's Uchiha execution orders, but even now, there was still too much apprehension between the village and Uchiha clan. You inhaled a quick gasp from realizing that every life in the Uchiha clan was at dire risk. If this wasn't stopped, another massacre was likely to take place – a clan once again assassinated for power, for traditions, and for differences of opinion. Everyone in the clan deserved a second chance. But this needed to stop, now.

You were to return the next day to discuss possible alternatives to genocide, but a man with the Uchiha emblem on his sleeves stopped you with urgent orders from the Hokage to report to the village gates to leave for the Land of Lightning immediately. That was weeks ago, and you still needed to rendezvous with the Hokage about the Uchiha Clan. You couldn't wait any longer. Who knew when the massacre would happen!

As you jerked your upper body up in your hospital bed in stark realization, clutching your bandaged chest from the sting of your wound caused by the sudden movements, you then decided that you needed answers. Now.

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