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thank you so much to lovinanime for the art!

thank you so much to lovinanime for the art!

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Kaiwa was in a peaceful state, sleeping on Naruto's shoulder. The two had been talking for hours on the couch together, but they both began drifting to sleep at nearly the same time.

Kakashi wandered into the living room, sighing when he saw that the siblings were drooling on each other. The man grabbed a blanket, laying it over the sleeping people. He the retired into his room, most likely planning to read.

Kaiwa and Naruto were sleeping deeply, both of them starting to snore. Their breathing was rhythmic.

"Kaiwa?" Someone called from the other side of the door. "Kaiwa, it's important. I'm coming in."

Of course, Kaiwa didn't hear a thing. She was miles away, off in dreamland.

Ryuu's head of red hair peered in through the doorway, deadpanning when he saw that Kaiwa was asleep.

Ryuu really had no concept of time, which is why he showed up to Kaiwa's house at nearly three in the morning.

He also panicked, seeing her with Naruto, who'd gotten much more mature.

Ryuu felt a shiver run up his spine, flashbacks of Naruto's protectiveness replaying through his mind.

"Kaiwa? Psst, Kaiwa!" Ryuu hesitantly tried to wake up his fellow Jonin, but she was still unresponsive. "Oi, wake up!"

Naruto woke up first, blinking his crystal blue eyes open. Both boys nearly had a heart attack.

"What the- what are you doing here?" Naruto blinked, trying to get his heart to get back to a normal beating rate.

"I need Kaiwa's help, it's... it's really important," Ryuu looked away nervously. He quickly added, "please don't kill me."

Naruto looked confused, before he chuckled.

"If you're worried about me, don't be." Naruto flashed his million-dollar smile. "I may still be protective, but I've been working on my jealousy."

"That's a relief." Ryuu visibly relaxed, exhaling the breath he wasn't aware he was holding. "You were quite scary, you know that, right?"

"So, you need Kaiwa then..." Naruto's voice sounded distant while he moved hair away from Kaiwa's closed eyes.

"Yeah, it's... it's very important..." Ryuu nibbled on his thumbnail, trying to keep his voice steady.

Naruto raised an eyebrow suspiciously, now fully standing. Ryuu was only shorter than Naruto by about an inch or two, but in that moment he felt closer to a flea. But all of it changed when the Uzumaki snickered.

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