Class Dismissed (Chapter 3, Part 2)

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"Oops! Well that's a shame, he was a great guy! Let's go now." Goldenfold took your hand with the intention of pulling you towards the exit, but you let go of his hand, turned around and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. You saw the crystal glowing on the aliens chest when it stood up on hind legs, you aimed and pulled the trigger, the crystal shattered into a million tiny pieces and the hound turned into dust.

You and Morty quickly rushed to Rick's side, he was unconscious, "Rick, c'mon wake up!" Morty shook him and he finally opened his eyes.

"Ugh, Monday morning. Am I right?" Rick groaned as he tried to stand up.

"No, you stay down, you lost a lot of blood." You then turned your attention to the still panicking boy, "Morty could you get the first aid kit from my classroom? Thank you."

"What do I owe you?" Rick whispered.

"Another date." You smiled and he laughed, but was stopped when a wave of pain washed over him. Morty came back with the medicine box and you took out a piece of gauze and applied pressure to the wound on his abdomen.

"Alright, what the hell happened in this school? I wanna know who's responsible for this alien invasion!" principal Vagina came out from hiding in his office with a pot on his head and a broom in his hands... for protection.

"Uhh... that would be me, sir. I apologize." Rick sat up, "I accidentally gave Morty something that attracted those aliens."

"Teachers, could I speak to you for a moment?" Principal called over Goldenfold and you. Rick tried to listen what you three were talking about, but he couldn't hear anything.

Morty stepped in front of him, blocking his view. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Because I'm injured? See the blood??"

"On our adventure yesterday you got your hand cut off and you barely flinched!" Morty yelled, "Y-y-you just like the attention she's giving you."

"Morty shut up, I can't hear what they're saying!"

The principal said something to Goldenfold and he lost his shit, he started flailing his arms around and yelling, then angrily stormed to the schools exit and left. You came back to where Rick and Morty were, "I told the principal what Goldenfold did that got you injured... he got fired and he didn't take it well. He also mentioned that if I'm involved in any other alien invasions and if students get injured... I'll get fired."

"I-I didn't mean for this to happen or for you to get in trouble."

"Rick, I know you didn't... But, I'm retiring this year and I can't afford to lose my job now."

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'll be more careful next time."

"Thank you." you smiled sweetly.

"Oh the bright side," Rick stood up with Morty's help, "Goldenfold won't be bothering you anymore."

"Yeah, I guess." You said.

"Tell her." Morty whispered to Rick, then stepped away from the two of you.

"Tell me what?" you locked eyes with the slightly panicked Rick.

"Listen, Y/N. I figured if I wanna keep you... I gotta be honest with you." he stepped closer to you, "I'm sorry for this alien invasion. What I do is... dangerous, it really is. The universe doesn't like me very much because I did... bad things in my past... And like every week someone tries to kill me. If- if I take you along on our adventures, you'll be wanted too."


"I'm dangerous and I'm an asshole to everyone all the time. I can't change... just wanted you to know that." He paused for a second, "If you don't want to stay with me... I understand. I also want you to know that I like you... a lot... and I enjoy talking to you and... you make me happy." He looked at you with the saddest eyes you've ever seen, like he's expecting you to leave.

"Rick," you spoke after a moment of silence, "First of all, I like you too, I like spending time with you. And second of all... Of course you can change, you're not a machine, you're not a computer. You're human. It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to not be perfect, it's okay to be human. As long as you've learnt from your mistakes and moved on... then, I want to stay. I don't care that the universe doesn't like you... because I do."

Rick sighed and smiled like a huge weight was lifted off his chest. The sound of police sirens were heard from the outside getting closer and closer, "Shit. We gotta go." He opened a portal and Morty stepped through, "I guess this is goodbye for now..."

You raised an eyebrow at him, "Just kiss me already!" you laughed. Within a second he stepped closer and closed the gap between you. Placing your hands on his shoulders, you deepened the kiss.

The police were heard opening the doors and running down the hall, "I'll call you..." he whispered.

"You better." You smiled.

He walked through the portal and it closed behind him.

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