Happy Campers (Chapter 5, Part 1)

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The sound of a phone ringing woke you up, realizing it was Rick's and not yours, you stayed in your warm bed. Rick sat up and rubbed his eyes as he tried to figure out where the sound was coming from. He quickly remembered his phone was in his jacket that was located on the floor. Unwillingly, he got up and answered the call, "Hey Beth, What's up?... Summer messed with my Morphizer-Xe again?.... Oh Christ....Fine- fine... I'll be there in a few minutes...." He hung up and sighed with annoyance.

"Is everything okay?" you spoke with a sleepy tone.

"Yeah it's fine.... It will be fine." With a small yawn he laid back on the bed and rested his head on your belly. You ran your fingers through his messy hair.

After a minute you heard soft snoring, "Don't fall asleep again, honey, wake up." You whispered.

"Ugh, I'm up, I'm up..." he slowly stood up and started picking up his clothes from the floor and getting dressed. You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and stuff, then put on some comfy clothes. Rick walked up to you and wrapped his hands around you in a loving embrace. "I miss you already." He whispered. You pecked his lips and let him walk through his portal.


Rick walked into his garage to find a giant, horribly disfigured Summer and a panicking Beth fiddling with the Morphizer-Xe machine.

"Oh Christ. Summer, fucking stop messing with my things." he lightly pushed Beth away from the machine and pressed some buttons to turn Summer back into her normal self. "Also, where's Morty?"

"Jerry and Morty went fishing." Beth said.

"What the fu- fishing?!" Rick cringed.

"Yeahh, Jerry thought it would be a nice way for them to strengthen their father-son bond. They'll be back in a few hours."

"Okay." he mumbled as he took a swig from his flask. "Fucking weirdos." 

Summer and Beth looked at the well-dressed scientist with wide grins, "Daadd... where were you yesterday?"

"He was making out with Miss Y/LN probably." Summer mocked and made kissy noises.

Rick looked at the ceiling in utter defeat and misery, "If you really have to know... yes, I was with Y/N."

"How was it?" Summer questioned.

"We were nearly murdered by an alien mafia, but other than that... it was amazing." He smiled to himself while he was putting the machine back in its place.

"Dad, that's lovely." Beth spoke, "Would you like to invite her over for dinner tonight?"

"Uhh... Sure... I guess."

"Oh, I can't wait to meet her!" she hugged Rick and left the room with her daughter.

Rick called you to invite you to dinner. He then proceeded to take out his blueprints and work on a new project.


"Food's ready!" Beth put the plates on the table while Summer helped with the cutlery. "Dad, is Y/N on her way?"

"Yup." Rick took out his phone to text you, 'Ready?'

'If you do that portal thing again, I'll kill you.' You responded.

Rick laughed when he read your text and opened a portal to come to meet you in your room. You jumped in surprise when he appeared from behind you.

"Hey, beautiful." He kissed you passionately, "Did I scare you?"

"Less than last time, you're getting better." You kissed him back.

The two of you walked through the same portal back to the Smith's house where his family greeted you. Everyone sat at the dining room table and enjoyed their meal. Rick and you were bombarded with questions about the previous day, what were you doing, what happened and so on. Later, you moved on to some more normal topics. 

"Did you guys hear there was a Bigfoot sighting at the forest nearby?" Beth spoke as she ate her dessert.

"Bigfoot?" Jerry chimed in, "He's not real."

Rick rolled his eyes, "He's real Jerry and there's a bunch of them living everywhere! Humans are just too dumb to find them."

A neat little idea popped into Summer's head, "If Bigfoot is real... and I have to write a paper on urban legends... If I get real footage of the Bigfoot I'll get the best grade there is! Grandpa, can we go camping and find the Bigfoot?"

"Summer, I have work to do I don't have time for your stupid- " he paused when you kicked his leg and looked at him angrily, "I mean... Sorry, Summer, I don't think that's a good idea. You could get hurt, y'know? The thing is as big as a bear, could kill you in a second."

"Come on Dad," Beth spoke softly, "Morty can come with you as well and it will be a nice bonding experience with your grandchildren." Rick cringed at the part where she said 'nice bonding experience'.

"What's with you guys and bonding today?" He gave Beth's suggestion a nice, long think. "I'll only go if..." he locked eyes with you, "Y/N comes with us."

"Oh..." you looked at the kids to see if they mind you going, they seemed okay, even glad to hear you come with, "Yeah, sure. I'd like to go."

You talked some more about everything that you needed to bring along for the camping trip. After dinner, you said your goodbyes with the Smith family and you walked through the green portal back to your house.


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