Ricks Will be Ricks (Chapter 11, Part 1)

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You leaned on the desk in the garage while you thought about everything that had happened. Rick stepped in front of you and cupped your face, "How are you feeling, Babe?" His caring eyes instantly made you feel a little better.

"I don't know, I'm just thinking..." you whispered, "I can't believe that it was all organized from the beginning. I can't imagine... I don't want to imagine what that someone wants to do to you... or us. I'm scared how all this is gonna end. I mean... he said he had plans for me, I don't know what he meant by that."

Rick kissed your lips then looked you in the eyes, "That someone won't do anything to you. I will never let that happen. Never." He went over to his desk and connected the receiver from the Robot Rick to a computer to try and find the transmitter signal. "I fucking knew it." He hissed.

"What?" you asked.

"The signals are coming from the Citadel." He spoke with held back anger.

"But you told me you destroyed it."

"I did, but they were rebuilding. Now they probably want revenge or some shit."

You hesitated asking him, because you knew what he would say, "What are you going to do?"

"Simple," Rick unplugged the receiver and put it in his pocket, "I'll go there and just kindly let them know I don't appreciate what they're doing." He typed some more on the computer before turning it off.

"You're gonna destroy it again." You whispered.

"That's the plan. I want them to know not to fuck with me or you, especially you, ever again." He took out his portal gun.

"What if it's a trap?" You were getting anxious.

He sighed and opened a portal, "It probably is."

You placed your hand on his shoulder, "I'm coming with."

"No, you're not coming with." He spoke, "I got the security robots and and all the other security back online so nothing can get to you while I'm gone."

"Rick, I told you... I'm willing to go with you- "

"You're willing to go and risk your life for me, I know, I know..." He hugged you and closed his eyes, "I don't want you to do that. I can't lose you, Y/N... It would destroy me. Please, just... just stay here until I come back."

"I will... if that's what you want." you sighed and placed your hand on his cheek, "Come back to me alive and well, okay?"

"Yes ma'am." He smiled and kissed you before opening a portal, "I love you, Babe."

"I love you too."


Rick stepped through the portal and found himself in the streets of the busy Citadel. Various Ricks and Mortys all walking around, talking and doing their jobs within the city. His gaze fell onto a building towering high above everything else. As he was walking towards it, he glared at all the different versions of himself in disgust. Wondering how they can live like that, being controlled by the person in charge, being told what to do and how to act.

He stepped into the building and was met with a front desk and a bunch of Ricks and Mortys sitting around waiting to be called out. "Get me up to the main guy." He told the Rick at the desk.

The Rick looked at him in utter disinterest, "Take a number and wait your turn." He replied in a monotone voice.

"I'm not taking a fucking number, let me in!" Rick yelled.

"If you plan on being a dick, then I'll have to call in the security, Dude."

"Call in whoever the fuck you want." Rick whispered with fury in his eyes, "I'm not leaving this place until I have a little chat with the ass in charge, capiche?"

The Rick at the desk was visibly frightened, "C-137?" He asked shakily.


"200th floor..."

Rick then made his way to the elevator and wasn't bothered by many Ricks and Mortys staring at him. The ride up was pretty short and the door opened soon enough. There was a grand hallway with a set of tall golden doors and a bunch of guards in front of it. They moved away and the door opened. Rick was very unimpressed and annoyed by the glamorous and elegant, shiny décor inside.

"Welcome, Rick Earth dimension C-137." A Morty dressed in a black suit and red tie spoke as he drank a glass of whiskey.

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine." Rick snarled sarcastically as he looked at the Morty and the Ricks seated at the long table, "Who's in charge here?"

"I am." Morty spoke.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Rick laughed, "A Morty president, that's rickdiculous."

"Didn't they tell you to not to judge a book by it's cover?"

"Well, the cover is a 15-year old boy that thinks he can run a whole city while drinking what I'm assuming isn't apple juice. So yeah, I'm gonna judge that cover and say that you can't run a whole city."

"What brings you here?" Morty ignored his comment and sat the glass on the table.

Rick took out the receiver box out of his pocket, "Does this look familiar?"

"Should it?"

"You should know because the signal came from right here." Rick spoke slowly, trying to not lose his cool, "The signal was also incredibly easy to track, almost as if you wanted me to come here."

Morty smiled, "Say Rick C-137, word around town is you got a girlfriend... and for a while now."

Rick's eyes widened when everyone at the table started laughing, "Stay on point!" he barked.

"I think we would all love to meet her. Y/N is her name?"

Rick walked over to Morty while ignoring the security Ricks pointing guns at him, "Don't you fucking dare. If you touch her, it will be the last thing you do."

Picking up his glass from the table, Morty poured himself some more whiskey, "Bring her here." He ordered the Ricks.  They opened a portal and walked through.

Note: Dear mother... part 40 is upon us! Also, school just started so I don't know if I'll have time to write as much as I used to. I will not stop, I'm so determined to finish this story, but I just don't know when that will be. I will be updating once a week from now on. Thank you for reading <3 

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