Intruder (Chapter 16, Part 3)

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Rick and you entered the fancy hotel room. It was really nice and tidy with a beautiful view. As nice as it was, you were still heavyhearted from what happened at the Smith's house. You were starting to grow unsure of yourself. Did you really have fake feelings for Rick? Was all of this a lie?

"Babe." Your boyfriend tried to get your attention, "What ever you're thinking about, stop it."


"Because..." he stepped closer to you and cupped your face with his warm hands, "I can't bear to look at that beautiful face without a smile on it for much longer." 

"Then what should I think about?" You looked at him.

He smiled, "Something nice, something fun... something tall and handsome..."

"I should think about Chris Hemsworth?" You raised an eyebrow, "A little weird, but okay."

Rick was insulted, "Hey!"

You laughed as you looked at his jealous face, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." You placed your hands on his shoulders and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around you to hold you closer. After a minute his hands slipped under your shirt and with one swift motion, he took it off of your body. 

His kisses moved on from your lips, down to your neck and chest. When he heard a light chuckle, he raised his head to look at you smiling widely, "There. Much better." He whispered. Taking your hands off of his shoulders, you placed them on his chest and started lightly pushing him to walk backwards. He collided with the bed and sat down. Then you went ahead and sat in his lap, still facing him. You slipped the lab coat off his shoulders, then removed his shirt. His hands slowly moved from your waist to your thighs as you were making a trail of kisses from his shoulder to collarbone, "Did I tell you how much I missed you?" He said with a sigh. 

"Tell me again." You smiled.

(It got a little steamy in here 😅 Sorry, not sorry)


You woke up the next morning to the sun directly hitting your face through the window. Turning to the other side, you noticed that your boyfriend wasn't there. He seriously needed to stop disappearing like that. You got out of the bed and stretched a little before you saw a little note on your bedside table, along with a phone. 

The note read: 'I'll see you soon, go have some breakfast. I love you.'

After putting some clothes on and brushing your hair, you went to the restaurant where you had a nice meal. A message appeared on the phone Rick gave you, 'Ready?'

A sigh escaped your lungs as you stood up from your table, 'Yes' you replied and waited for the thing. A portal opened from underneath you and you closed your eyes as you waited for Rick to catch you, which he did.

"Oh wow, you didn't scream this time, good job." Rick laughed as he held you in his arms.

You slowly opened your eyes before you were placed back on your feet. A beautiful house found itself in front of you, "Where are we?" You asked.

"I know it's not like yours, but I hope it will be okay." He met your gaze.

A smile formed on your face as you realized that he made a house for you to live in together, "It's better... it's ours. I really like it."

"Thank god you like it." A weight was lifted off his chest, "I've never built an actual house used for living before. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing with the first floor. It took me half an hour to figure it out! Half an hour! Th- that's the longest amount of time I've spent doing anything! That wasn't even the worst part, I mean the entire thing needed to be furnished. I mean I wanted to go to IKEA, but last time a Meeseeks tried to kill me cause he couldn't figure out which screw goes where so I had to--"

He was interrupted when his lips were met with yours, "It's amazing. You did a really great job." You said.

"I know!" He took your hand and led you inside. You were awe struck when you stepped into it. It was perfect, with everything you could have ever wanted in a house. It was the ideal mix of comfort and functionality, "What do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"Didn't you say we were going to meet up with your family?" You reminded him.

His eyes widen, "Oh yeah, shit. I forgot. Uhh... You go and I'll come a bit later cause I really need to do a thing. I mean, or you could wait for me and we'll go together."

You thought for a moment, "I think I'll go by myself. Maybe they'll be more comfortable with me if you're not yelling at them constantly."

"I wasn't yelling!" He yelled, then stopped to think, "Yeah, okay. You have a point."

"No shit."

"But if anything goes haywire... you call me, okay?" He spoke.

"Okay." You smiled, "I love you."

He kissed your lips, "I love you too, Babe."


Summer and Morty were sitting on the living room couch watching interdimensional cable while their mother was making another horse hoof sculpture, this time it was a cat. Jerry wasn't home because he had to go to a job interview. 

There was a ring at the door and Summer went to get it. She smiled when she opened the door to find you holding a plate of baked goodies, "Hey, Y/N! Oh my god, you brought cookies."

"Yes, I did." You smiled.

She invited you to come in and closed the door behind you. Morty stood up and went over to greet you. He took the plate you brought and placed it on the coffee table, "Be nice." He whispered to his mother who didn't look too happy.

"Hey, Beth." You walked over to the living room and sat on the sofa, "That's a really nice sculpture. I didn't know you were such a great artist." To be fair, her sculpture was pretty bad, but you didn't want to worsen your relationship with her, so you pretended you liked it.

"Oh, hello, Y/N." Beth smiled, but didn't make an effort to look at you, "What brings you here?"

You took a deep breath, "Listen, I know we started off on the wrong foot, but... I hope we can get along. I really do like you and I think we have great potential of being friends." She stopped with sculpting to listen to you, "And I know it's weird... that I was a program and all that, believe me, I know. I mean... when- when I found out that I was just made of code it really fucked me up. To know that... my friends and my son... weren't real and that I won't be able to see then ever again... it's really- really weird."

"I'm sorry." Summer whispered.

"It's okay." You said, "I hope we can get over that, one day. It's okay if you don't trust me right away, I don't expect you to."

Beth finally decided to look at you, "I hope we can get over it too."

Note: Has anyone seen the new Film Theory episode 'The end of Rick Sanchez'? It's really sad. MatPat talks about how Rick tries to control his fate and the universe and all that and in the process he's just losing more control and distancing himself away from his family. And in the end they're gonna get sick of his shit and abandon him! I don't want that to happen. I love my precious boi so much, I want him to be happy D':

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