Happily Ever After

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Words could not describe your excitement for this 'nothing special' event Rick was planning. Even while you were getting ready for bed you would not stop asking questions about it, but he was a tough cookie and would not give away a single thing no matter how many puppy eyes you shot his way. But, alas, you had to wait until the next day.


The morning sun finally greeted your face through the windows. You turned to the other side and... Rick was gone. Of course he was. You weren't even slightly surprised at this point. A sigh left your lungs as you got out of bed and got ready for the day. 

As you were making your coffee in the kitchen you noticed a hand written note with a rose on the counter. It read: 

'To my Dearest Love, 

On our special day I give you this rose,

because it reminded me of you,

not because it has sharp thorns, but because you- it- it's'

You chuckled at the scribbles on the page. Rick is truly not great at writing poems.

'it's beautiful, like you. You're beautiful and I love you.

And unlike this essentially dead flower I picked from your garden,

(sorry about that)

our love will not die within a few weeks.

Because, y- our love is- has always been great.

Fuck, I suck at this.

Anyway, a space limo will pick you up at like 10 

See you, I love you.'

You glanced up at the clock, 9:40. You got ready in record time and surely enough there was a space limousine landing in front of your house. After locking your door, a tall alien with several pairs of eyes opened the door for you. Inside were Beth, Jerry, Summer and Morty all having fun and eating the snacks that were provided. 

They happily greeted you and the limo took off into space, the Earth was further away every second. "Do you guys have any idea where we're going?" you asked.

Heads were shook all around, everyone was clueless, "Well, it's your anniversary, do you have any guesses?" Summer questioned.

You shrug your shoulders, "I'm completely in the dark."

Couple minutes of chatting passed and Morty brought to your attention that a planet was getting closer, "Hey, it looks kinda familiar... I think that's planet Squanch!" 

"Wasn't it destroyed at Bird Person's wedding?" Beth asked.

"It seems like they rebuilt it." Morty looked around when you exited the limo, "It's so nice and fancy now."

You too looked around the place full of different aliens you didn't recognize. It was night at that planet so everything was decorated with colorful lights, "Oh, you have to be kidding me..." the thing that took your gaze was nothing other than a chocolate fountain. It was bigger than the one at the Gala where you first saw it, this one was as big as a normal fountain. 

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