The Painful Truth (Chapter 12, Part 1)

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"Fuck... I'm sorry Y/N." Cowboy Rick whispered as he took off his hat, "I'm so sorry."

You couldn't speak, but if you could, you wouldn't know what to say. Looking over at 'Doofus' Rick, you felt even worse because he was dead too. You've lost too much that day, wondering how you were able to keep it together so well.

"The cops will most likely be back soon..." Cowboy Rick continued, "I'll take you home." He offered you a hand to help you stand up.

You shook your head and clinged tighter to the coat of your boyfriend, "No, I'm not leaving him."

"Y/N... you have to. He's gone." He sighed, "If they capture you they'll try to continue with whatever they were planning with you."

"Then I'll- "

"No, you won't." He interrupted you and sat down next to you, "You won't take your own life, Doll. You know why? Because we fought too damn hard and risked too much for you, he did too. He held you behind him to keep you from getting shot. All that for what? For you to just give up on yourself? Is that what he would have wanted?"

"No..." You whispered, whipping away a tear, "I don't know why it even crossed my mind."

A strong migraine washed over you once again, unknown voices sounded once more, "I made a mistake sir... This wasn't supposed to happen."

Another groaned in annoyance, "No shit, it wasn't supposed to happen! You blew it, you moron!"

"I apologize sir, I- "

"Shut up and bring him back!"

A moment later after the headache went away, your Rick's eyes fluttered open and he took a sharp deep breath. "Rick?! Oh my god, you're alive!" you cried out and hugged him, "How- how did you do that?"

"I don't know..." He looked at the bullet hole in his chest and noticed he wasn't bleeding anymore, "It still... it still hurts, but I'm not... dying." He stood up with your help.

Giving him many loving kisses, you proved that you couldn't be happier that he was still alive, even though you were shocked. Cowboy Rick was amazed as well, "As much as I love a good resurrection story, y'all need to cut a path out of here cause I can hear more cops coming." He then handed his portal gun to your Rick, "Take care, you two."

Rick opened a portal, but you couldn't help but look at your friend lifelessly lying on the floor, "Thank you for everything Rick J19 Zeta 7... you will be missed..." you then looked at the cowboys, "Thank you two so much..." They smiled and said their goodbyes too.

Rick took your hand and you both walked back home through the portal. "Oh, fuck..." Rick's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the blown up entrance door of your house and about 20 dead Ricks all scattered across the floor.

"You're cleaning that up." You joked. He then walked over to the garage and grabbed a Meeseeks box. After pressing the button a couple of times, he ordered that they clean up all the mess.

"You know what? Let's go to Beth's house." He opened another portal and you showed up in the Smith's living room, "What's up, fuckers?!" He exclaimed and they all jumped in surprise.

The kids went to hug you, but noticed Rick's blood soaked clothes, "Grandpa, are you okay?" Summer questioned.

"Oh, I'm fine! It's all good." You could tell that it wasn't all good, but you understood he didn't want to worry them or get them involved into whatever was happening, "But Y/N's house got blown up, so would it be cool if we stayed here for a bit?"

"Of course it's okay!" Beth smiled, "You're always welcome here."

"Okay, thanks." Rick then grabbed your hand to take you to the garage and locked the door.

"Honey... How did you come back to life?" You questioned, "Did you pretend like you did at the spa?"

He shook his head, "No, no, I didn't. I didn't do anything..." He then took out tweezers and pulled out the bullet from his wound, "Looks like the most normal bullet ever. Something... something's not right."

"It's a miracle. Did god bring you back- "

"No, there are no miracles." He spoke more angrily than he meant to, "And there's no god."

You gently cupped his face and kissed his lips, "Well, whatever it is, we'll get through it together."

He smiled, but then remembered something, "Tell me about those headaches you keep having."

You thought for a few moments, trying to think of words to best describe them, "They're not just headaches, they're more like... visions or dreams and I hear voices. I don't know what triggers them, it seems random."

"What do you see in those visions?" He asked.

Taking a deep breath, you continued, "I mostly hear two voices, but I sometimes see like... code of sorts, blue ones and zeroes flood my vision. Remember when I called you in the middle of the night... when we broke up?"


"I had a dream... I was floating in darkness and that code was all around me, but then I saw what the voices looked like..."


"Like giant green insects with big red eyes."

Rick's eyes widened, but he tried to keep his cool, "What were they saying?"

"They talked about a 'New Program' and kept saying stuff like, 'It's working, he's not suspecting anything' or 'we can get to it this time' It's really weird, like they're searching for something. It only started happening like two years ago, but never before..."

Rick then took two wires and placed them on your head, "I don't see any irregular brain activity or anything else out of the ordinary." He spoke after analyzing the info on the computer. He then turned to you, "When was the last time you heard them talk?"

"About half an hour ago, moments after you died... They said something like: 'This wasn't supposed to happen, bring him back'... and then you were back..."

Rick shook his head, "That... that doesn't make any sense... If you're talking about the guys I think you are... then how- how would they bring me back to life? They're morons."

You took a deep breath when you felt the headache again. Your heart started beating faster and faster. The voices seemed confused and angry, "Is she talking about us?"

The other voice stuttered, "I- I think so, sir. But I don't know how that's possible- "

"Y/N! Is it happening again?" Rick shook you lightly, "What are they saying?"

"They're wondering if I'm talking about them..." you whispered.

The voices gasped, "Damn it anyway! Now it's all or nothing! Initiate code DTF-37! Now!! Do it!"

"Babe, talk to me, c'mon." Rick cupped your face, he was slightly shaky from worrying.

You felt a weird cold shiver down your spine, you didn't feel quite like yourself anymore, "Can... can I ask you something?" you said.

"What is it?" Rick questioned

"Your portal gun..." you spoke slowly, "How did you make it?"

"What? What about your visions?"

You shrugged, "I feel fine, they're probably nothing. Now tell me... how did you make- " You stopped mid sentence, wondering why you would ask him that. You had the sudden urge to ask him about his portal gun, but why? The math for it would be far too complicated for you, you'd have no use for it. Yet, you wanted to know, "Never mind." You fought the urge to ask because you knew it wasn't coming from you, but from somewhere else.

"Babe?" Rick whispered as you stared into nothing.

"I don't know what's happening to me, Rick." You finally met his gaze, "I'm scared."

He wrapped his arms around you and held you in a loving embrace, "Don't be, I'm here for you."

The voice in your head sighed loudly, "This isn't working. Pull him out."

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