We'll be Okay (Chapter 9, Part 1)

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It had been a few more months after the break up and you were doing much better. You could focus on doing things you loved again without getting sad and thinking about how you loved doing everything with Rick.

One Tuesday Angela and you were returning home from the grocery store, talking about what you'd like to do that day. You were suddenly interrupted by a large spaceship flying down and landing on the other side of the store's parking lot. The two of you dropped your bags and ran around the building to hide like many other people who were also in the parking lot. The sound of the giant metal doors could be heard loudly hitting the concrete floor and you could feel the ground shaking. That wasn't a great hiding place as the large stone-like aliens quickly found the group of people and you were surrounded.

"The one in the back, I think that's her." One of them spoke.

Another one pushed and threw people away to get to you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to the front. "That's her," one of them held a hologram picture of you for comparison, "bring her to the ship."

"Leave her alone you fucking boulders!" Angie screamed.

"Silence, carbon based mortal!" one of the aliens yelled back and pushed her to the ground.

"Angie no, I don't want them to hurt you. I'll be okay." You assured her before they dragged you into their spaceship.

Inside the ship was dark and cold, it sent shivers down your spine. They opened a large set of metal doors and threw you in. "This one's yours Sanchez. She's cute, but I don't think she's gonna miss you too much." He laughed and closed the door.

You stood up and looked behind you, the large room was filled with all sorts of aliens, big, small, round, rectangular... and a tall figure with blue hair was making it's way towards you.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." Rick took your hands and held them in his cold, shaky ones. "I-I didn't know how to stop it, I- they- "

You pulled your hands away, "Rick, what the fuck is happening?!"

He took a deep breath, "We're about to land on a planet with the largest battle arena in the Milky way galaxy. They take a bunch of alien criminals, warriors and such then they throw them in the arena, then they place their bets on who's gonna win. It happens every 100 years or so... It's disgusting, it's inhuman."

"Then... what am I doing here? I'm not a warrior."

"They did a brain scan on everyone, to find the people we love most ... I- I knew they'd take me, so I tried to distance myself from you, I thought I'd stop loving you, I don't love many things... so they'd have nothing to scan for, but it didn't work. I'm so sorry Y/N. I wanted to protect you, but I failed..."

"You still love me?" you whispered.

"Of course I do Babe, I could never stop loving you."

You stepped closer and hugged him tightly, he did the same. A few minutes passed and the metal door flew open. The aliens dragged all of you to the dungeons of the battle arena. It was a large room with stone walls, floor and ceiling, with a table in the middle of it. The cold, damp air made you feel sick.

"First round starts shortly, so get ready." The stone-alien left the dungeon and slammed the metal door behind him.

"First round? How many are there?" You asked, while still hugging Rick to keep warm.

"As many as it takes. There has to be only one of us left alive." He took off his lab coat and draped it over your shoulders, "It starts at noon, lasts for ten hours then we get back here... and wait for noon the next day and so on."

You felt tears forming in your eyes, "Please don't die... don't leave me. I've missed you so much, I don't want to lose you again."

"I missed you too, I love you more than anything." he hugged you tighter and kissed your lips.

"Gladiators, it's time." A thunder-like voice echoed through the room. "Get out, one by one." They dragged all the contestants outside, loud cheering from the audience could be heard through some of the small cracks in the ceiling and wall. He forcefully pulled Rick out of your embrace and pushed you to the ground.

You were left there in the dungeon with the gladiators' loved ones. With your back to the wall, you sat on the cold ground holding onto Rick's coat, hoping Rick would be okay. The aliens that were left with you were just as miserable. Many hours have passed, less and less light was coming in through the cracks, the only light source that was left was an old lamp with a candle inside of it... A voice could be heard from the arena: "Erlend was executed! Azurot was executed!" more an more names were called and you just prayed you wouldn't hear his name. Some aliens that were with you started screaming and crying loudly, their loved ones were executed... "Time's up, everyone. We'll see you tomorrow!"

The gate opened and the gladiators were let inside. You quickly stood up and ran towards the door to wait for Rick. He finally came through, he was bruised and his clothes were bloody and dirty. You helped him walk to a corner and laid him down. He rested his head in your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair in a soothing motion.

"What if you all just... stopped fighting?" you questioned.

"No. I wanted to do that, but Varthrakan told me why we can't. They'd kill you if we stop... that's why they get loved ones... to make us keep fighting..."

"They'd kill me if you refused to fight?" you asked softly.

"Yeah... and they'd make me watch." He spoke. A tear rolled down your cheek. "Don't cry, Babe. I'm working on an escape plan right now. We'll be okay, I promise." He smiled sweetly to try and comfort you.

An alien lady walked up to you, holding something in her hands: "They gave us a bit of medical supplies. Here, take this." She handed you some bandages.

"Thank you so much." You said. She nodded and returned to where she was before.

Rick sat up so you could wrap his torso and shoulder with the bandage. He laid back down and fell asleep to the sound of you singing softly. 

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