It's Better This Way (Chapter 8, Part 3)

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The next morning you woke up and much to your surprise Rick wasn't next to you like usual. You decided not to worry about it too much. Maybe he went downstairs to make breakfast. You went down to the kitchen, but he wasn't there either. Looking around the house, nothing, not even a note. In the yard, nothing. You sent him a text and made yourself some quick breakfast, but no reply. After a few hours you decided to call him... and nothing, no answer. You called Beth, but she also had no idea where he was.

The whole day went by and the sun was starting to set. You've grown very much worried, this has never happened before. You hoped he hadn't been kidnapped or something worse. You texted your best friend for a couple of minutes so you could calm down.

A portal could be heard in the living room, you jumped and quickly ran towards Rick, hugging him tightly. "Oh my god, you scared me so much. I thought something happened to you. Why didn't you text me? Or leave me a note?"

"I was thinking..." he said, looking very sad, but trying to keep it together.

"What about? Are you okay, Honey?" you lightly placed your hand on his cheek.

He took a deep breath, "I think we should... break up." He removed your hand from his face.

The words hit you like a bullet, your throat tightened, your chest felt heavy. Within a second, tears started forming in your eyes. You thought you had a nearly perfect relationship. You loved him with all your heart, you were in disbelief, "What?... Really?" you whispered.

"I'm sorry, Y/N..."

"But, why?" your hands felt cold and shaky.

"It's just, not for me... this calm life, it's boring... I need action and adventure, y-y'know? I wanna get back out there... in space, with aliens and things." 

You just looked at the floor, it hurt to look at him, "I told you I was willing to go on adventures with you." You whispered.

"The adventures we've gone through, they're nothing. The ones I used to go on were so much worse and... and you wouldn't be able to handle it. I wanna go back to doing my own thing." He continued, "You'll find someone else... someone better than... better than me, I'm sure."

"You said you loved me like four times yesterday... were you lying?" you held back tears, he didn't say anything, "Alright, if that's what you want..."


"... then I won't get in your way."

He opened a portal, "You'll be happier without me, I know it." He walked through and it closed behind him.

You collapsed onto the couch and cried for a little while, before finally grabbing your phone and calling your best friend.

"Angela, could you come over, please?" you asked.

"Of course! My god, what happened?"

"Rick... he broke up with me." You sobbed.

"Oh, I fucking knew that bastard was nothing but trouble, I'll kill him."

"Angie, can you not?"

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'll be there shortly." She said sweetly.

"Thank you."

20 minutes later, Angela parked in front of your house then made her way inside. You held back tears and talked to her about how sudden the breakup felt. You thought he was happy with the lack of aliens and danger for the past year, but guess not.


Rick went back to the Smith's house and told them what happened. They were all left in shock and disbelief, but didn't question anything because it wasn't their decision. Rick went back to his old garage... it was cold and empty, just like he remembered it. He sat at his desk and sighed with sorrow.

"Rick, w- w-why the fuck did you do that?" Morty suddenly entered the garage, startling Rick.

"It's better this way, Morty. You wouldn't understand..."

"But- you loved her, did you not?"

"I still do..." he took a swig of his flask.

"Then why- "

Rick stood up and yelled at his grandson, "I'm doing this because I love her, okay?! I-I- I put her in danger every time I'm with her, I don't want her getting hurt because of me... It just had to be done."

"I don't think there's anything that would hurt her more than this, Rick."

"What do you know, Morty?"

"Y-y-you fucked up big time, Rick! You'll go back to your miserable, alcoholic self again!"

"Oh fuck you." Rick sat back down. Morty saw how upset he was. Not wanting to disturb him more, he left the garage.


After a few weeks of crying on Angela's shoulder, she finally dragged you out and made you go shopping with her. The two of you went to this really fancy shopping center downtown. You weren't felling it, but you also couldn't stand drowning in your tears anymore.

"You'll be fine Y/N. You're amazing, you'll find a better man." She said.

"I don't want a better man, I want Rick." You felt tears coming up again.

"I know, Dear." She hugged you, "Hey, look at these bags! And these shoes!"

"They're great..." you looked around the center and spotted a familiar family, with a familiar blue-haired man. "Oh my god, why are they here??" you hid behind Angela.

She looked over at what you saw and she became furious, "OH THERE YOU ARE!" She started walking towards Rick.

"ANGIE, NO!" you tried to stop her but to no avail.

"Hey, asshole. How are your adventures going? Are they fun and exciting?" Angela was fuming. You hid around the corner of a store, your face in your hands from embarrassment.

"Hey Angela... is Y/N doing okay?" Rick spoke calmly.

"Oh yeah, she's just being her usual, boring self."

"I didn't mean it like that..."

"Do you know what you've just lost? Y/N is an amazing person. You're lucky she's here, otherwise I'd kill you where you stand. You'll never find someone like her again. No one will ever love you like she did because I know what you're like. You're an arrogant, selfish piece of shit and nothing more!"

"I know..." he whispered while he watched Angela leaving, hugging you and taking you outside. He felt a tear on his cheek, but whipped it with his sleeve before anyone saw it.

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