Intruder (Chapter 16, Part 1)

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"So, you want to ask me questions to find out what I'm missing?" You spoke while putting on the clothes Rick gave you. The shirt and pants nearly perfectly matched the ones you remembered. 

He nodded, "Yeah, I think that's the best way to go about it. It could be something important... like where we first met."

"Harry H. High school." You answered.

"Or... it could be something completely useless like an ex boyfriend or something."

You cringed, "No, I definitely remember that asshole."

Rick stepped closer to you and held your hands in his, "You remember our first date?" 

"Yes." You smiled sweetly.

"The camping trip? Vacation? Retirement party? The battle arena? The Citadel?" He questioned.

"Yes, yes and..." You thought for a moment, "About the retirement party. I remember you singing karaoke... but I don't remember what song it was, which makes me really sad because I remember really enjoying it. Could that be it?"

Rick then proceeded to open a closet of sorts and pulled out an ordinary wooden guitar, "Well... let me remind you." He smiled as he tuned the strings.

Your eyes widened, "Are you really gonna- "

"Wiseee men saayy..." he interrupted you as he started playing and singing, "only fools ruush iinn!"

A giggle escaped your mouth as you unsuccessfully tried to hold it back. You were delighted by the gesture, but also amused at how off-key he was singing.

"But I caaan't heeelp falling in loove with yooouu!" He continued none the less, "Shall I staay? Whould it be... a sin?"

"If I... can't help falling in love with yoou..." You sang the last bit.

Rick's smile was wider than ever, "There you go! Now you're all back to normal."

"That was amazing." You placed your hand on your heart, "I'm really impressed."

He put the guitar way, "I know, I'm the best." Then he extended his arms towards you, inviting you to hug him, which you gladly accepted. 

After a moment he let out a little yelp in pain and placed his hand on his side. You looked at him with concern, "What's wrong?"

"I forgot about this." He whispered.

You moved his hand away and lifted his shirt a little bit to see what was causing him discomfort, "You didn't treat your gunshot wound back from the Fed ship? How long has it been since then?!"

"Four days..." He hesitated answering because he new what you were going to say.

"What? You let it be like this for four days?!" You scolded, "Rick, it's infected for Christ' sake."

"Calm down, will you?" He grabbed a small box from a drawer in his desk, "Here's the med kit."

After opening the little box, you took out a little piece of cloth and cleaned the wound, "I'm here for an hour and I'm already back to treating your injuries like you can't do it by your capable self." 

He smiled, "But you do it so much better!" 

"Sure I do." You said sarcastically. Then you put a bandage over the injury and closed the med kit box. 

Rick noticed that you were a little on edge, "Babe, are you okay?"

You nodded, "I'm just... a little nervous about meeting your family... again."

"They will adore you." He cupped your face, "There's no way in hell that they will not like you, it's near impossible to hate you. I'm telling you, there's absolutely nothing to worry about."

A smile appeared on your face, "If you say so."


Summer and Morty went over to tell their parents that their grandpa did in fact, manage to make his virtual girlfriend real.

"And then she fell out of the glass thing and he ran over to her and he was like 'oh Y/N I love you so much!'" Summer told the story very dramatically.

"T- then she was like 'oh Rick I love you too' and then they kissed!" Morty continued.

Beth and Jerry looked at each other, "That's greaaat. We... can't wait to meet her." Beth gave the kids a nervous smile before they left, "We can't just let that robot-woman into our house, Jerry." She barked.

"The kids like her and your dad says she's amazing. You know how we should always trust your dad?" Jerry spoke sarcastically, "Because he's the smartest man in the universe and all that?"

"Jerry for fuck's sake, she was created by the space government, for all we know this is all a part of her plan and she'll try to murder us all when we least expect it!" Beth spoke in a hushed tone, "She's probably manipulated my dad into falling in love with her so he could make her real! She'll try to take over the world."

Jerry gawped, fully believing Beth's theory, "She's manipulating with our kids too! We're all gonna die! I- I -I'm not ready to die, Beth!"

His wife nodded, "Jerry, we have to kill her before she kills us."

Note: Part 60 my peeps! ❤❤❤

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