Intruder (Chapter 16, Part 4)

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"Are we good now?" You smiled jokingly at Beth.

She nodded, but you didn't think it was sincere, "Yeah, we're good. You seem like a great person, Y/N."

"See, Mom? That wasn't so hard." Summer spoke as she was reaching to take one of the cookies you brought. They were freshly baked and smelled amazing. 

Her mother looked at her, panic was seen in her eyes, "Don't eat that."

The teenage girl stopped just before she took a bite and raised an eyebrow, "Why not?"

You looked at the two ladies with confusion, "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong." Beth chuckled, "I just don't think it's a good idea to eat sugar before lunch. Right, Summer?"

Summer looked so done with her mother's shit, "I'm not 10 anymore. I can eat whatever I want and whenever I want." She bit the cookie.

Beth was furious for some reason, "No! Spit it out!"

"Whoa! Why are you so pissed?" Morty questioned, panicking.

"Because this bitch is trying to poison you!" Beth locked eyes with you, you were terrified.

You were taken aback by what she said. You tried to say something, but Beth pulled out a pink switchblade from her pocket and tried to stab you with it, but luckily she missed and ripped a hole in the cushion. Jumping from the couch,  you ran to the dining area and grabbed a chair to hold it like a shield, "Beth, stop it right now." You spoke in a stern voice, "I don't know what you have cooked up in your head, but I promise you it's not true. I'm not trying to poison you!"

"You're lying!" Beth threw the blade towards you, but you stopped it with the chair, inches away from your face. Running to the kitchen, she proceeded to grab more knifes and throw them at you. 

While defending yourself from the sharp utensils, you turned your attention to the kids, "Get out of here and call Rick!"

Morty took out his phone, but Beth stopped him and smashed his phone on the floor, "Mom! You're acting like a psycho!" He yelled, standing in front of her to try and stop her, "Someone's gonna get hurt and you're gonna feel really bad!"

"Just let me finish this and you won't be brainwashed anymore!" She pushed Morty out of her way to get to you, still holding a knife in hand. You got ready to fight her with your bare hands. Summer then tried stopping her mother by grabbing her hand and pulling her away. Beth tried freeing herself, but accidentally made a cut on her daughter's arm. Summer screamed and tried to stop the bleeding. Beth gasped, dropping the knife,"I'm so sorry, Sweetie!"

You were in shock, but you knew what you had to do, "Summer, come with me to the garage, I can help you." You spoke. 

"You've helped enough, I'll take care of my daughter." Beth hissed.

With you finally getting fed up with her bullshit, you punched Beth straight in the face, knocking her out. Then Morty helped you lead Summer into the garage where you mixed up some liquids together, "Drink this." You gave Summer the glass. She did as you said and within a second her cut healed up. You sighed with relief when you saw she was no longer in pain. Then you remembered to take out your phone and call Rick. The phone rang and Rick picked up, "Rick! Please come over to the Smith's house!"

Then you were interrupted by Beth coming into the garage, "You're not calling anyone!"

Just as she was about to hit you, a portal opened from above and your boyfriend dropped in, "Alright, what the fuck is going on here? Did- did you guys have a fight? Why is there blood everywhere?!" He looked around to see everyone freaking out.

"Mom just straight up tried to murder Y/N!" Summer yelled.

Rick was shocked, "She did what?"

"Dad, listen to me." Beth tried to explain her actions, "She's controlling you! I know she is. She wants to kill us and take info out of you! That's what she was created for!"

"Beth, no. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Rick spoke, "She's the one who helped me come back home, back on Earth. She helped me escape the prison and kill the Feds. Why would she kill them and save me if she still works for them? She wouldn't, because she broke the code they wrote her into. They fucked up in the process of creating her. They made her too smart and too human."

"She wants you to trust her."

Rick shook his head, "I can't believe you tried to kill my girlfriend. You made assumptions of her being evil then it was actually you who's fucking evil." He then noticed blood on Summer's clothes, "You did this as well?"

"It was an accident." Beth explained.

He opened a portal, "Y/N, let's go. You kids are coming with." 

"You're taking my children away from me?!" She was furious.

"Yes, Beth! You're fucking insane. You're not allowed to come near them unless I say otherwise." Rick spoke angrily. You and the kids walked through the portal.

"No! You can't do that!" Beth protested.

Rick turned to walk through the portal, "I just did. Bye, Beth."

Beth watched her father leave with his girlfriend and her children. She was left alone. As she sat on the couch drinking red wine, she thought about everything that had happened. A door unlocking could be heard and she looked in the direction of the front door and saw her husband walking in.

"Hey, Beth..." Jerry smiled nervously, ignoring the pile of knives and a broken chair in the living room, "I, uh..."

"You didn't get the job?" She asked blankly.

He sighed, "No."

"Jerry, am I a bad mother?" Slight sadness was heard in her voice.

Her husband sat down next to her, "No, of course not. You're a great mom. The best mom!" She kept looking down at her glass, not making eye contact, "Um..." Jerry continued after realizing it was oddly silent in the house, "Where are our children anyway?"

"With my dad. He took them with him after I tried killing his girlfriend and accidentally injured our daughter." She said.

"Oh my god." Jerry gawped, "You actually tried killing her... Do you still think she's evil?"

Beth shrugged, "I can't prove that she is or isn't."

"Soo... when will our kids be coming back?"

Beth suddenly burst into tears, Jerry hugged her in attempt to make her feel better. They sat there by themselves, in a house with no more giggling teenagers. 

Note: I'm sorry to tell you that I haven't been writing much recently. It's not that I don't want to, but because school has been very difficult the past few weeks... so I don't know when the story will be updated again, but I hope very soon! I still love writing this and love to read your comments! ❤

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