Just Business (Chapter 4, Part 3)

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More gunshots were heard, they echoed through the whole building. You hugged Rick in fear and panic, your heartbeat getting quicker and quicker.

Rick thought of something quickly, he took your hand and hid behind some flipped tables, "Rick, what's happening?" 

"I don't know yet." He took out a gun from his coat and turned off the safety switch.

After a few more gunshots, a voice could be heard, "Come on now, settle down, we don't want to panic at the disco." He laughed, "We don't want to see anyone else getting hurt except Rick Sanchez. So... Come on, Rick! Show yourself!"

Rick took a deep breath, "Take this." He gave you his gun. Before you could ask him what he wanted you to do, he stood up with his hands in surrender, "I'm here! Unarmed."

"Get to the center, no funny business." You recognized that voice, it was the green guy, Abner. "The grenades you sold me, they were tampered with, remote controlled. They blew up on their own, killing agents Haidar and Garron."

"I didn't sell you any grenades, Abner." 

He raised his gun and shot Rick in the shoulder, you gasped and covered your mouth to not make any noise, "Bullshit." Abner continued, "See this, the contract you signed? We even caught your ugly mug on security cameras."

"It must've been another Rick, then." he groaned, "The last thing I sold you were those machine guns, you seemed to like those."

He shot Rick once again, "Don't play games with me, Sanchez. My best men were killed because of you."

You heard panicked whispering, you looked over to see Unity behind another flipped table next to you. "Shoot him!" she whisper-yelled, "The green guy! Shoot him!"

You peeked over the table and saw Abner gesturing with his gun, with a blood-soaked Rick sitting in front of him. Those shaky hands of yours can't let you down now, not now. You pointed your gun at Abner, took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. You opened your eyes, Abner was lying on the floor, lifeless.

Rick stood up and looked behind him to where you were standing, "Nice shot." He walked over to you, "There'll be more of them."

"Can't we just portal home?!" you stressed.

"Not for now at least," he took the portal gun out of his suit's pocket, but it was destroyed by the bullet, "I can fix it, but I need some time." He shot the lock on the front door to let the panicked guests out of the building. Going up the grand stairs, you and Rick hid in one of the rooms and locked yourselves in. It was a living room of sorts with a big couch in the middle with a coffee table and a TV, "I'll fix this up real quick." He disassembled the portal gun and started picking at it with a small screwdriver, "You shoot anyone who comes in, got it?"

"I can't believe you lied to me Rick." You spoke with sadness and disappointment.

"What? When?"

"Remember when we got here and I asked you if you sold drugs or something and you told me it's nothing like that? Turns out you're selling weapons to lunatics!"

"Y/N, it's really not a good time right now. Can I just get you to safety before you start being mad at me?"

"I'm not, I- I'm just... " you stopped and thought for a moment, "When you told me the universe doesn't like you because you did bad things and I said... it didn't matter as long as you've learnt from it and moved on... do you not care about that? You're just gonna continue with... whatever this is?"

"You're right, I-I fucked up, okay?" he threw his things on the couch, stepped closer to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, "I'm sorry, I don't know what the fuck I was thinking... I put you in danger once again."

As you were about to speak, someone started just banging on the door like a maniac. Rick grabbed hold of the portal gun and continued fixing it while you placed your index finger on the trigger and waited for the door to give out. The banging dropped silent for a few moments. You hoped he gave up and went away, but he just stepped back from the door to charge full-force and knock it down. It startled you for a quick second, but you managed to defend yourself and kill him. You placed your hand on your chest and felt the rising heartbeat, "I killed two people today..." you shivered. 

"Yes, one to save me and the other in self defense. You're not a murderer if that's what you're thinking." Rick spoke, "Shit, more are coming."

The footsteps got closer and closer to the door. You got ready, still breathing heavily. About 6 aliens all barged in at once, they were all pretty clumsy though. One tripped and accidentally shot himself, the second one missed you completely. The third one dropped his gun, but tried to attack you with his bare hands. You struggled for a few moments before a blade was impaled in his neck and slimy insides went everywhere. When he dropped to the floor, he revealed Unity who just saved your ass.

"Thanks." you spoke with a heavy breath.

"You're welcome." She continued stabbing more of them who just came in.

"I got it! Y/N let's go!" Rick beamed and took your hand.

"Wait, what about Unity?"

"She'll be fine." He looked at the blue alien lady who just got stabbed in the stomach, "Let's go." He pulled you through the portal and it closed when you arrived back to your house.

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