New Beginnings (Chapter 17, Part 4)

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Later in the evening Summer and Morty came back from their parents' house. You were half asleep leaning on your boyfriend, but the need to find out how the kids were dealing with the situation kept you awake.

"Y/N, Mom said that she's sorry for what she did," Summer spoke and you smiled "and she'd like to properly meet you."

"I would like that." you nodded happily, a glance at Rick told you he wasn't too sure about it, "What do you say? Should we go visit them tomorrow?"

Rick looked at you then looked at the kids and sighed, "Yeah, fine. But if anything goes wrong-"

"Nothing will go wrong!" You shook your head.

"Every time you say that something goes wrong. Have you thought about shutting up?" Rick picked you up bridal style and carried you up stairs.

"Oh shit, you're right." Your hand covered you mouth with the realization, "Does that power make me a god?" 

Rick set you down on the bed and laughed, "No, Babe, I'm the god. There can't be two of us."

You sat up straight and glared at him when he laid next to you, "Oh, yeah?" The stressed look on his face told you he feared of accidentally upsetting you. One of your legs crossed over him so you were sitting on his torso. His face immediately turned to a smirk. "Are you sure about that?" You whispered and inch from his lips.

His hands moved along your thighs, "I guess I'll make an exception."


The next morning everyone was getting ready to go to the Smith's house. You finished putting on your nice outfit while Rick waited for everyone in the garage. Soon everyone was ready to go and the ship took off from the drive way. A couple minutes passed and you arrived at the destination.

After hugging her kids, Beth approached you with remorse in her eyes, "I know we got off on the wrong foot and it's entirely my fault. Now I realize how wrong I was about you. You just seemed too good to be true and I acted on my selfish, made up theory about you. I hope you can forgive me."

A smile appeared on your face, "I forgive you."

The day was spent in the company of a beautiful, slightly dysfunctional family, you couldn't ask for more. Hours were spent talking and generally getting to know the family all over again, but it was worth it. It was a genuine and real connection this time, your heart and soul gleamed in excitement and happiness. 

Everything was finally okay.

Have the years of torment and fear finally come to an end?  There was no suffering to be found among the people you were laughing with. 

The memories that lie within you will never leave your mind, the experiences that made you who you are will forever stay with you. The harmony of pain and joy, love and hate, letting go and holding on are a part of you, a part of your story. 

We are all stories in the end. We just have to make a good one.

"Babe?" the love of your life snapped you out of your thoughts, "Are you ready to go home?"

Rick and you left to go home in the late evening. The lights of the neighborhood and the stars glowed in the darkness of the night as the ship flew across the sky.

"You know what day tomorrow is?" Your boyfriend smirked. 

Of course you knew that it was the anniversary of your relationship so you smiled knowing he was planning something, "I do know."

He locked eyes with you, "Well... I had an idea, it's nothing special..."

"What is it?" you were curious.

"You'll see." 

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