Not the Same (Chapter 10, Part 2)

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Unlocking the door, you went inside and locked it again. A gasp escaped when you turned around to see Rick standing right behind you with crossed arms and an angry look on his face, "Why were you gone for so long?" he growled.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"You heard me, I don't wanna see you being gone for that long ever again."

"I think I'm old enough to know how to take care of myself." You laughed because you thought he was just messing around.

"I'll be the judge of that..." He spoke, but was distracted when his gaze fell on your body, "Fuck, you're hot."

You still weren't certain if he was joking or not and it concerned you slightly, "Are you feeling okay?" you asked.

"I feel amazing." He got very close to you and smiled with a wide, slightly creepy grin, "You know what would make me feel even better?" Before you had a second to react or say something, he forcefully wrapped his arms around you and grabbed your ass.

"Hey! What the hell?" You were caught very off guard with this unusual behavior from your boyfriend, "What's gotten into you?"

He suddenly let go of you, "Nothing."

You had to step back and think about what just happened. Rick seemed... different, "Okay, then... "


Since it was pretty late you decided you would go to bed. Rick walked into the bathroom as soon as you finished brushing your teeth. He looked around the room like he had never seen it before. You noticed he had a black smudge on his cheek. Grabbing a tissue, you stepped closer to him, "You have something on your face, you gotta clean it up."

As you were about to reach for his cheek, he suddenly gripped your wrist, hard. "Don't tell me what to do." He growled.

You yelped in pain and he released his grip, "Rick, seriously. What is going on with you? You're really starting to worry me."

"Nothing is wrong with me! Stop fucking asking." He said in a rasping tone and left the bathroom.

He never spoke to you like that before. You knew he could be a bit rough sometimes, but he would never hurt you or talk to you in that manner. He seemed so on edge and angry with you, like you wronged him in some way. In hopes that he would get better the next day, you went to bed. He laid in bed next to you and instead of that loving, soft expression you were used to seeing, his stare felt blank and emotionless. It made you feel uneasy as his empty eyes pierced through you.


The next morning Rick wasn't next to you in bed. Coming downstairs, you didn't find him in the kitchen or the living room. Stepping into the garage, you noticed Rick put a box full of heavy things on top of the hatch. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Good morning." You said, "Do you want anything for breakfast?" As he was about to speak, Morty walked over to the house. Rick quickly took out his gun and aimed at him, "Don't shoot! It's just Morty!" you yelled.

"Oh." Rick lowered his weapon and put it back in his coat.

Both Morty and you were shaken by this sudden aggression, "I just came over to tell you I got an A on that project we worked on." Morty slowly walked into the garage.

"Good job, Morty!" You exclaimed.

Rick narrowed his eyes, "What project?"

"Th- the one we worked on last week. The volcano? With the color changing lava?" Morty responded.

"Hm." He turned back to work on something on his desk, ignoring both his grandson and you.

"Is he okay?" Morty whispered to you.

Your expression grew sad and worried, "I don't know. He seems different."

"Different? Oh jeez..." Morty's eyes widened, like he thought of something, "Y/N, could you come with me? I really wanna talk to you about something."

The two of you started walking out of the garage and within a few seconds Rick snapped, "Where are you going?" He asked roughly.

"Morty just wants to talk to me. I'm not going anywhere." You raised an eyebrow.

"What does he wanna talk about?"

This kind of behavior was starting to get on your nerves, "It doesn't concern you, since he wishes to talk to me."

Rick looked at you with anger in his eyes, he had never done that. It frightened you, but you stayed in place when he walked over and stepped an inch away from you, "Of course it concerns me." He hissed, "I always have to know what you're up to, I don't want you escaping from me. I got plans for you."

"What plans?" you whispered.

"Get away from her y-y- you asshole!" Morty yelled and tried to pull Rick away from you by his lab coat, but Rick grabbed him and threw him out of the garage and onto the drive way.

You panicked, "What are you doing?" You wanted to run over to Morty, but Rick grabbed your arm to keep you inside. He pushed a button on the wall and the garage door closed, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Rick?" You tried to break loose from his grasp.

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