We'll be Okay (Chapter 9, Part 2)

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The sound of doors opening woke you up. The slaves of the arena placed trays of bowls on the table in the middle of the room.

You kissed Rick's head to gently wake him up, making sure to avoid the bruises, "Wake up Honey," you spoke softly, "breakfast is here, I think..."

He sat up and you brought two bowls of what looks like purple jello. You took a sip and immediately regretted your decision.

"Ugh, this is what they fed us in prison," Rick spoke after taking a sip, "it's surprisingly good for you."

"I don't know, my gym coach never said anything about adding fluorescent purple space goop to my diet." You laughed and put your bowl back on the table.

"You- you got a gym coach?" he squinted his eyes at you.

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you... like... him?"

"God no! Angie gave him my number and he kept calling me, like every day for weeks until he finally got the hint!"

"I'll kill him." He muttered under his breath.

"Rick, no."

"Sorry..." he took another sip of the weird jello.

The two of you kept talking about all the things you'd like to do when you get out of the arena, where you would like to go, what movies you would like to watch... But noon came around sooner than you thought and you were separated from Rick once again.

Long hours have passed. You saw the alien lady, who gave you the bandages, being even more sad and anxious than you. She needed to be comforted so you walked over and sat down next to her.

"Oh hello, Dear. Are you doing okay?" she gave a weak smile.

"We've never properly met, I'm Y/N."

"I'm Medeya, lovely to meet you."

"Where are you from? What's it like on your planet?" you tried to distract her from listening to the battle commentator.

"I'm originally from planet Deverux, but we moved an awful lot."

"Why is that?" you questioned.

"My husband was falsely accused of the mass murders that happened on our planet... he was in the army, a bit short tempered sometimes, but he would never do that. We escaped so they wouldn't execute him, we've been running ever since."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

"This isn't our first time in the battle arena. He was the winner last season... he was much younger then. I'm scared for him now, I-I don't know if he's gonna make it." She started crying and you offered a hug which she gladly accepted.

"Listen Medeya... My boyfriend is working on a plan right now and we're gonna escape. So, you and your husband are coming with us."

She shook her head, "I don't know if an escape is possible, Dear..."

"He escaped from the Galactic Federation's prison... not only that, he destroyed both the Feds and the Citadel of Ricks. So, you better believe he's gonna get us out of this shit-hole."

"I hope so."


Many hours have passed by while you talked to Medeya. The doors finally opened, but only a few contestants walked in. You nervously waited for Rick to come through. A few moments later a stone-alien walked in holding Rick by his shirt, he threw him on the ground next to you. Rick was soaked in blood and unconscious, you quickly sat next to him to check his pulse and breathing.

"Rick, wake up..." you panicked and shook him gently, "Wake up, Honey." You lifted his head to hold him comfortably in your arms.

"Only two rounds, Sanchez? That's a shame, I thought you'd be more fun." A tall pink alien stood in front of you, "Oh! He's not even conscious, brilliant! Can't wait to be the one that killed Rick Sanchezzz!"

You tried to ignore him and held Rick closer to you. Another alien walked over, "Leave them alone, you have no business here." The pink alien, mumbled something and left.

"I'm Varthrakan. You've met my wife Medeya." He spoke.

"I'm Y/N." You said, but were too worried about Rick to make conversation. 

Medeya quickly came over as well, "Oh no, he's bleeding a lot, let me help."

"Thank you." You whispered.


You didn't even know how much time had passed. Rick was still unconscious, no matter how hard you tried to wake him up. "Don't leave me, Honey. I need you." You kissed his head.

You didn't sleep at all that night, because of constantly making sure he was still breathing. Medeya brought a bowl for breakfast, but you couldn't eat.

It was noon again and other contestants were already out in the arena. The stone-alien came inside to take Rick. "No, leave him alone!" you hugged him tighter, "You can't take him! He's not even conscious."

He grabbed Rick from you and pulled a syringe out of his pocket, stabbing Rick in the arm. He woke up suddenly and screamed in pain, but was dragged outside before he could figure out what was happening. The doors closed in front of you once again.

Cheering and shouting could be heard from the arena. You followed the sound to the small cracks in the stone wall. Grabbing one of the rocks you managed to pull it out, making a small hole looking to the outside. You saw Rick struggling to even stand up, let alone fight. Varthrakan could be seen fighting alongside him against all the others. Rick got hit one more time and he collapsed to the ground, struggling to get up. "It would seem Rick Sanchez doesn't feel like fighting anymore!" the commentator spoke cheerfully.

Moments later, Stone-aliens bursted through the dungeon gates and pulled you outside, the bright sunlight hurt your eyes. Soon, you were standing in the middle of the arena, a large and cheering crowd was all around, everyone's eyes on you. The sand and rocks on the ground were covered with blood, weapons and disembodied limbs. In front of you was Rick being tightly kept in place my two stone-aliens, his face filled with terror and sadness. 

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