It's Better This Way (Chapter 8, Part 4)

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Two long months have passed by and Rick realized he needed a new quantum defraculator. He got in his ship and flew to the nearest pawn shop. Grabbing what he needed and walking up to the counter, he noticed not one, not two, but three Ricks walk into the shop. They whispered something among each other while they walked over to Rick at the counter.

"Hey C-137. How's your girlfriend?" one of them spoke and the other two started laughing.

Rick sighed and tried to ignore them. He paid for what he needed and made his way towards the exit, but they stepped in, blocking his way. "Move, you sacks of shit." He growled.

"Not so fast lover-boy. Tell us all about this lovely Y/N of yours. The Citadel wants to know all the details!"

"Why the fuck does the Citadel care about what I do? Didn't you learn to stay out of my life the last time?" Rick hissed, "You should be fucking grateful I left you alone all these years."

"We are grateful!" The Rick exclaimed, "Thanks to you the Citadel is better than ever! And we still wanna hear about Y/N, so start talking."

"You're shit outta luck. Now get out of my fucking way." 

The Ricks laughed, "Is she hot? Does she cook you dinner? Does she kiss you goodnight and tell you a story before bed?" he was going to say more, but was abruptly stopped when his face was met with a fist of an enraged Rick. He crashed to the floor, hard. The other two Ricks got scared and scrambled away. After a few moments the Rick slowly stood up, "Not bad C-137, I thought you grew soft."

"You thought wrong, bitch." Rick opened the door left the pawn shop.

"A little bird told me that your girlfriend shot Abner." The other Rick followed him out the door, "I also heard he was pretty pissed that my grenades were remote controlled and killed his best guys."

Rick stopped in his tracks, "You sold him the grenades?"

"Oops, did I just say that?" The other Rick laughed sarcastically as he brushed dust off his coat, "Guess I did."

"You piece of- " Rick took out his gun, but the other Rick already portaled away, "Shit."


It was getting late and Angela had to go home because she had work the next day. You were left alone. The house never felt so empty and silent before. You put back the clean dishes in the cupboards and got ready for bed. Slipping under your comfortable sheets, you sighed and closed your eyes. Still thinking about him, how much you miss him. Thinking maybe he grew tired or bored of you, maybe he found someone else. It was driving you insane.

After hours of thinking and turning you finally fell asleep. Your breathing was calm, your heartbeat was slow and steady. You opened your eyes, but you were not in your bed, you were floating. Floating in a black void of nothing, of endless dark.

"This is stupid. This won't work!" a voice was heard.

"Yes it will, sir. He still loves her." Another voice spoke.

You were so confused. Who were those people? What were those voices you kept hearing? Rain of bright blue ones and zeroes flooded your vision for a few moments, just like the ones you've seen before. A screen of some kind appeared in front of you. It showed two bug-like creatures in a giant room with metal walls. Computers, lights and wires everywhere.

"If this program proves itself useful. I'll promote you to commander of unit 6." The one on the left spoke.

The one on the right was shocked, "Wow, it's been my dream to become a commander. Really, sir? You would do that?"

"No. I was just trying to get you to work faster."

Behind them, you noticed, was something... no, someone in an orange jumpsuit, they didn't look like the bugs, they looked human. You couldn't see their face, the two guys in front were blocking your view of the person. Suddenly, you flew upwards. Blue ones and zeroes flying past you like crazy. More screens with more bug-creatures started appearing. They were all talking about this 'new program.'

You stopped flying. Another screen turned to you. It was showing you a six-legged alien in an orange jumpsuit being tortured and electrocuted by the weird bugs. It made you feel sick. You wanted to place your hand on your chest, but noticed you didn't have a hand- or a body, for that matter. Then you noticed that you weren't breathing. It scared you, you closed your eyes and hoped to wake up back in your house.

You felt sudden pain in your whole body. Your eyes fluttered open and you were back in your bedroom... on the floor. You must have fallen off the bed because of that nightmare. Breathing was quick and heartbeat was raging, but at least you were awake. 'Was that a dream? It must have been. It felt real. Still feels real.' You thought. You were so shaken by this experience, you wanted nothing more than for Rick to hug you and comfort you. His warm embrace and calming words were missed more than anything. But you were alone... at 3 am.

You turned on the night lamp and saw your phone sitting on the bedside table. It would be so easy to just call him and ask him to come over... yet, it felt hard and wrong. 'Why would I call him? We broke up, I should just get over him... '

Grabbing the phone, you found his name in your contacts. One click... and the phone is ringing. "Fuck, why am I doing this?" you whispered to yourself.

"Hey, Y/N!" Rick picked up and spoke like he was glad you called. He fell silent for a moment and cleared his throat, continuing calmly, "What's up? Is everything okay? It's the middle of the night."

You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out, you couldn't force yourself to speak. Your eyes started watering. The sound of his voice and him saying your name broke your heart even more.

"Y/N... hello? Are you th- " he spoke again, but you hung up.

You threw the phone on the other end of the bed. Hugging your knees and resting your head on them, tears started falling down. The phone started ringing, it was Rick. You took the phone and turned it off completely.

Note: I just got an e-mail saying: 'Someone favorited your story from!' My eyes widen,"Ew, my cringey fanfic from 2015?"  I scoff in disgust as I continue writing my new fanfiction. 

I don't think my fanfics are less cringey now, but at least my grammar is better :)

And thank you so much for all the love and support, I appreciate it ❤❤❤

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