Chapter 7 - Trouble at School

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MacKenzie's POV

Let's get one thing clear: I DO NOT like school.

I wasn't very good at school to start off with, then the whole particle accelerator generated coma thing took over and I took a year or two off from school.

Well, I'm 13 and in 8th grade and my grades are AWFUL.

Math is my only good subject, considering I was raised and have been around engineering all my life. I'm decent at science, which is good. However, English is my worst subject. And then they wanna throw me into a Spanish class when I barely know the grammar rules for the language I speak every day. It's ridiculous!

If I'm good at engineering and that's what I wanna do, just let me take the classes and get rid of all the other unnecessary classes.

But, of course, I'm forced to take the classes at my school.

And the only thing that makes these classes bearable is my best friend, Christopher. Chris and I have been friends since I started school, he's the only one that doesn't call me "freak" or "Orphan Annie".

Anyways, I had been sped to school by Barry and by the second class, that's when things started to go wrong.

The bell rang and Chris met me outside my class so we could walk to our next class together. He's nice, the only nice person to me at this school.

"Hey, it's like 75 degrees, aren't you warm in that jacket?" Chris asks.

I look down at my sleeves.

"No, I'm fine." I lie. I always wear a jacket to school cause of my wrist protectors. I really don't need them showing and for me to get bullied more than I already do.

"Oh look, Chris has sunk down to the lowest class of all, the homeless." Jack, this jackass kid in my grade, taunts as he passes by Chris and me.

"Hey, don't talk to him like that." I say.

"What'd you say, Orphan?" Jack asks me, walking up to me.

Chris grabs my arm and pulls me behind him.

"Oh, I see? You're protecting her now." Jack says. "You can't protect the freak forever."

"Don't call her that." Chris growls.

"Why not?" Jack asks, walking up to Chris. "What're you gonna do?" Jack shoves Chris backward.

Chris regains his balance and shoves Jack back. Jack punches Chris in the face.

"No!" I yell. What am I gonna do? I can't quake in front of these people, not again anyways. Think, Mack, think! I throw my backpack off my shoulder. "Stop!" I yell. I grab Jack by the sleeve of his shirt, pull him away from Chris and punch Jack in the face. My wrist protectors make contact with his nose and blood goes everywhere. I'm about to swing another punch but a teacher grabs my arm.

"MacKenzie Raymond! Office, now!" The teacher yells at me.

I look at her with wide eyes, this was NOT my fault.

"But I didn't--" I try.

"Now!" The teacher yells at me.

I glare at Jack who is being helped by the teacher and grab my backpack from the floor, going to the office.

A few minutes later, I'm sitting on the chair outside the principal's office. Caitlin walks in through the doors and looks at me. I slouch into my seat, trying to disappear from her look.

Caitlin is about to walk in when Jack walks out with his parents, his nose and shirt bloody.

Caitlin looks at me and I slouch further down.

Rocky Raymond //Book Four// - COMPLETEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora