Chapter 19 - Crisis on Earth X Part 2

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MacKenzie's POV

"He's a crony." Mick says, walking into the cortex.

"Anachronism." Stein corrects

"That's what I said." Mick says

"Lately we've been dealing with anachronisms." Sara explains. "It's people and things displaced throughout time."

"Ok, but why would Nazis from 1945 want to crash my wedding?" Iris asks

"Crab legs." Mick says. "They were delicious."

"Well, Iris has a point, though." Alex says. "If they're out of time, they would've targeted the military or law enforcement."

"Tommy was plucked from 5 years ago and put in the Prometheus wardrobe." Felicity says. "That doesn't make any sense."

"It does if we're not dealing with an anachronism." Caitlin says

"Visitors from another earth?" Barry suggests

"Whoa." Jax stops them. "There are more than one?"

"There are 52, actually." Kara says.

"Though I'm hard pressed to think of one where Nazis are ascendant." Stein says

"I can." Harry speaks up. "There's a 53rd earth, and it's called Earth-X. It doesn't have a designation because it's a place so awful, so horrific, no sane person would ever travel there.

It's basically our earth--same history, same timeline-- with one crucial and critical difference."

"So let me hypothesize." Stein says. "The Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the United States did, and they were more than happy to use it."

"Yes, the Nazis won the war, and New York, London, Paris, Moscow--all obliterated." Harry says. "The SS set up outposts not only all throughout Europe but also all throughout the Americas, and Hitler continued his brutal reign aided by prime ministers and presidents sympathetic to him until his death in 1994."

"Now they're not happy ruling just one earth." Felicity says. "God. This is making me physically ill." She looks like she's gonna hurl. She leaves.

"Yeah, the line starts behind me." Jax says

"W--we have to find them." Kara says. "I mean, do you think they're using the breach to hop between worlds?"

"That or they're operating from a staging area somewhere in Central City or close by." Alex says.

"BWell, good thing we have a metric ton of smart people in this building and Rory." Barry says. "Let's get to work on finding our new friends from Earth-X."


Caitlin, Harry, Jax, and I are in the workroom.

"Felicity's got her friend working on Palmer Technology's spectrometry satellites." Jax says

"Ok, but what about the Waverider? I mean, a time-traveling spaceship must have some sort of tracking technology that we can use." Caitlin says.

"Yeah, not exactly." Jax says. "It's, uh, it's in the stone age. Oh, like, literally in the stone age."

"Ok." Caitlin says. "Well, parallel earth jumping is kind of Cisco's specialty."

"And since he's so busy being unconscious right now, I guess we're on our own." Harry says/

Stein walks in

"Oh, perfect timing, man." Jax says and we all look over to Stein. "We're trying to find the guys from Earth-X, and we're coming up with nothing."

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