Chapter 51 - We Are The Flash

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MacKenzie's POV

Everything, and I mean everything, was going purple

"Cisco, we need power!" Barry yells as the three of us spread out through the cortex, trying to fix stuff. Cisco is in the power room

"Working on it." Cisco says yells back

"Nothing is working." Caitlin says, trying to turn the computers on. "Not even cell phones."

"That's what I was worried about." Barry says

"It's happening isn't it?" Joe asks, walking in with Cecile

"I don't know. I mean, our plan didn't work." Barry says. "DeVoe replaced the satellite I destroyed with the S. T. A. R. Labs satellite to set off The Enlightenment."

"Bar, it's going nuts out there. There is no power anywhere." Joe says. "Our car just stopped working."

"Thank God we were close by. I mean, the hospital is another three miles away." Cecile says

"The hospital?" Barry asks

Cecile grabs her stomach

"Joe?" Cecile groans

"The sky turned purple, and she started having contractions." Joe says

"Cisco, hurry!" Barry yells

"If we're not able to get her to the hospital can you use--" Joe starts, looking at Barry

"No, Barry can't run her." Caitlin says. "It is not safe for Cecile or the baby."

"Then what are we gonna do?" Joe asks

"I have everything here I'd need to deliver a baby." Caitlin says

"What?" Joe asks

The lights come on

"Thank God." Barry says

"Great. Uh, let's go see how dilated you are." Caitlin says, pointing Caitlin to the medbay

"Okay." Cecile says, unsure

"Breathe, baby, breathe." Joe tells her

The three of them go to the medbay

"Hey." Cisco says, stopping in the doorway. I whip around to face him. "You're gonna want to see this."

Cisco leads us to the Reverse Flash Vault

"DeVoe must to predicted Harry would build his own thinking cap and power it with the dark matter from this tube." Cisco says, pulling a tube out

"Dark matter that he could then siphon off from S. T. A. R. Labs to use to infect the world." Barry says

"Harry was his guinea pig." I say

"He knew if he could reboot Harry's brain, he could reboot everyone's." Barry says. "What about Gideon, could she hack into the satellites?"

"No, purple haze took her out too." Cisco says

Barry sighs

"What do we do?" Cisco asks

Barry puts an arm around me

"I don't know." Barry whispers, pulling me close to him

"It's okay, Barry. I think I do." Iris says, walking in with Marlize


"Look, I love Inception as much as the next guy, but sending Barry into DeVoe's mind?" Cisco asks after Iris and Marlize had briefed us in the cortex

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