Chapter 8 - Trouble at School

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MacKenzie's POV

A week later, I'm back in school.

I grip the straps of my backpack and take a deep breath, walking through the empty halls to my fourth period class.

I open the door and all eyes land on me.

It's dead silent.

"Alright, class, eyes forward." My teacher says.

They all go back to looking at the board. Except for two people, Chris and Jack. I wish I didn't have a class with Jack.

I go and sit down next to Chris, dropping my bag next to my chair.

"Good to see you." Chris whispers.

I stare forwards.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks me.

"Not really." I tell him.

"Where have you been?" Chris asks.

I have been suspended for the week, however I was supposed to start this morning, but Caitlin and Barry had other plans for me.

"Therapy." I tell him.


"Okay, MacKenzie." Dr Jane says, sitting across from me. Barry had dropped me off at therapy before school. "Last week, we talked a little bit about guilt. Tell me why you feel guilty."

"About?" I ask her.

"Anything." Dr Jane says. "Anything you feel guilty about, just let it off your chest." I'm silent. "Sometimes it's easier to start with the small stuff and work our way up to the big stuff."

"I'm not really sure." I tell her.

"You're going back to school today." Dr Jane says. "You're probably going to see Jack there. Do you feel guilty for punching him?"

"No." I tell her. "Not at all."

"And why is that?" Dr Jane asks.

"Cause I was protecting my friend." I tell her.

"Try and think of something you feel guilty of." Dr Jane says. "It can be the smallest thing in the world."

"Um..." I think. I have no idea. It's silent for a moment. "I don't know."

"I'll start." Dr Jane says. "Yesterday, my daughter was riding her bike for the first time without her training wheels. When she went to turn, she fell off her bike and scraped her knee. I felt guilty because she got hurt. Now, it's your turn."

"Well..." I start. "I guess I feel guilty cause I broke a rule this morning."

"What rule?" Dr Jane asks.

"I drank some of Barry's coffee when he wasn't looking." I tell her.

"Are you not allowed to have coffee?" Dr Jane asks.

"No." I tell her. "Some stupid rule about how I have 'too much energy already'." I say.

Dr Jane laughs.

"That's funny." Dr Jane says. "You know when I was younger, my parents wouldn't allow me to have coffee because of the same reason."

"Really?" I ask her.

"Yes." Dr Jane says. "Looks like you and I are not so different."

"Yes we are." I whisper, looking down.

"What was that?" Dr Jane asks.

I sigh and then look up.

"We are different." I tell her. "Very different."

Rocky Raymond //Book Four// - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now