Chapter 42 - Lose Yourself

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MacKenzie's POV

"Well, Ralph was misguided, but he had a half-good idea." Barry says in the cortex later at night

"Which half?" Cisco asks

"We use Edwin Gauss's powers to create a pocket dimension to DeVoe's lair." Iris says

"Yep, that's the half I was afraid of." Cisco says

"It doesn't get more dangerous than this, so if we go, everybody needs to sign off." Barry says

"Look, you two have led this team through every danger there is, so if you think this will stop DeVoe from claiming any more lives, then let's go get that b*st*rd." Joe says

"I mean, damn, Joe, when you put it all John McClane like that, of course I'm in." Cisco says

"I'm in." Harry says

"I don't even need to ask Killer Frost what she votes." Caitlin says. "We're in too."

"Me too." I say

"So it's settled." Iris says. "Tonight, we take on The Thinker."


Down in the speedlab, we're all suited up and ready

"Mack, please stay on this side." Barry whispers to me

"I want to help." I tell him

"I know you do." Barry says. "But this guy scares me, please stay here with Iris. I'll be back soon."

I nod in understanding

Harry hands Barry the sonic device

"Open it." Barry tells Edwin

"You got it, mega-fast dude." Edwin says

"Open it again in 15 minutes." Barry tells him. "If we don't come out with DeVoe in cuffs, close it. Don't open it again."

Edwin opens a dimension

KF, Cisco and Barry walk through

They disappear

Edwin goes back to his cell with Ralph

About a minute after they leave, stuff goes wrong

The speedlab starts shutting down

"What's happening?" Joe asks as an alarm blares

"Someone's taken over our systems and sealed us in." Harry says

"A second pocket dimension opened in S. T. A. R. Labs at the exact same time as ours." Iris says, looking at the computer

"It's DeVoe." Harry says. "He used that first opening to conceal his own entrance. That's why our sensors didn't register."

"This is all a part of his plan: the Samuroid attack, us getting Edwin, using him to attack DeVoe's lair." Iris says

"He wanted us divided." I say

"Where did Edwin go?" Iris asks

"He's back locked in his cell, and we got DeVoe's pocket dimension energy coming from the Cortex." Harry says, rapidly typing on the keyboard

"That must be where his chair is." Iris says. "I mean, if we can get to it, we can use it to get our team back."

"First, we gotta get ourselves out of here." Joe says. "Harry, can you unhack his code?"

"Trying, but it's too complex." Harry says. "If I had my quantum decryption keys, I could do it, but they're stuck in Cisco's workshop."

"But we're not stuck in here." Iris says, snapping her fingers

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