Chapter 29 - The Elongated Knight Rises

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MacKenzie's POV

I'm sitting in a chair in a room of STAR labs

Iris and Joe are talking out in the hallway

"Tomorrow afternoon?" Iris asks after Joe had recounted the story for her. "Dad, isn't there something you can do?"

"I have to get my foster license renewed." Joe says

"And that takes?" Iris asks

"A week." Joe says

"A week?" Iris asks, getting upset. "Mack's not gonna be with us for a week?"

"Shh." Joe tells her. "You can't freak out in front of her. She's already freaked out enough."

"Jeez." Iris sighs. "One week and she's back with us?"

"Yes." Joe says. "But we do have to go to court tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay." Iris says


"Hey, how's the search coming?" Iris asks Caitlin and Cisco as we walk into the cortex

"Harry and I already set all the parameters, it's just got 300 square miles to comb through, so." CIsco says. The computer glitches. "That's not good."

"Hello, Central City!" A voice on the TV says. "It's been far, far too long since my beautiful face graced your screens."

"Whoo, this kid's got a face for radio." Ralph says, walking in

"Trickster's hijacking the city's broadcasting signals." Cisco says

"Today, we're going to play a little game I like to call what Does This Do?" Trickster says. "Looks like a regular old bouncy ball. But what does this do?"


"Tracing." Cisco says

"Let's find out if and when you throw it hard enough." Trickster says and he throws it. A car blows up. "Kaboom!"

"He's downtown, corner of DeMeo and Bilson." Cisco says

"Bring me the Stretchy Man, or else you're going to go boom-boom." Trickster says

"My first supervillain thunderdome challenge." Ralph says. "This is awesome."

"I'll go with him." I say, pulling my jacket on

"No need, kiddo." Ralph says. "I can handle this."

I look to Iris

"Ralph, you do not know this guy. He's dangerous." Iris says

"He's throwing bouncy balls and wearing a bedazzled pea coat." Ralph says. "I got this."

Ralph opens hi jacket

"You still haven't taken that off, huh?" Cisco asks

"Oh, I sleep in this." Ralph says. "You mind breaching me there? It's a lot faster."

Cisco breaches Ralph there

Ralph and Trickster make comments back and forth and then Trickster bruns Ralph with something

"He's panicking, his heart rate is off the charts." Caitlin says

"Ralph, are you okay?" Iris asks

"Help!" Ralph yells through the comms

"Burn, Stretchy Man, burn!" Trickster yells

"I knew I should have gone with him!" I exclaim, pulling my mask out of my pocket and putting it on. "Breach me there." I tell Cisco. "And keep it open."

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