Chapter 41 - Lose Yourself

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MacKenzie's POV

I turn my head in confusion

Harry is holding up something he made

"That's the big news?" Cisco asks. "You're taking a sculpture class at the community college?"

"It's not art." Harry says. "It's science! And as such it is the thing that is gonna help us defeat DeVoe." He uncovers a chair with a cutout of DeVoe. "Recall, if you will, the one thing that we've seen nay, heard that can actually harm DeVoe."

"Izzy Bowin's soundwave powers." Iris says

"Well, Izzy was killed by DeVoe, so whatever powers she had is in his hands now." Joe says, pointing to DeVoe

"And now, Joe, they're in ours." Harry says, holding up what he made. "Watch this. So..." He then turns around to face us. "Actually, maybe you should take a couple steps back if you value your internal organs." We all step back, Barry pulling me behind him and Caitlin. Harry uses the sonic wave power and DeVoe shoots backwards

"I know how that feels." Barry says

"One strike incapacitates The Thinker." Harry says. "Two strikes, no more Thinker. I call it a Sonic Scepter."

"Okay. Points for alliteration." Cisco says

"Basically just a big tuning fork." Caitlin says

"My goodness." Harry says, offended

"Well, like, I mean, it's not just any tuning fork." Cisco says. "This might be the most powerful tuning fork in the multiverse. You must've laser-shaved this thing down to the nanometer."

"Shaved it right down to the last angstrom, as a matter of fact." Harry says. "Child's play for me and my Thinking Cap. The Sonic Scepter mimics Izzy Bowin's sonic frequencies, so we can penetrate a heretofore impenetrable force field of DeVoe. And here's the best part. Because there's no tech involved--"

" It's Kilgore-proof." Barry jumps in

"Yes." Harry says

"Nice." Barry whispers

"So, now we just need to figure out where DeVoe is gonna appear next." Iris says

"As a matter of fact, before you got here I scripted a subroutine on the pocket dimension predictor, and it's gonna give us a massive head start." Harry says. "DeVoe's next location, thank you."

"Yesterday, I thought you said that wasn't possible." Caitlin says

"That's right, Snow, I did say that yesterday, but today is a new day." Harry says energetically. "I've got a million new ideas. The cap and I, we're Firing on all cylinders. Onward and upward." He says with the cap on and leaving

"Okay, let's get to it." Iris says. "Cisco, can you integrate Harry's algorithm into the predictor?"

"Can do." Cisco says

"Okay." Iris says

We all walk out but Joe and Cisco


Iris and Caitlin are talking in the lab when I walk into the cortex

I'm about to go over to them but an alarm goes off

"Iris?" I call out

Iris runs over

"Pocket dimension's about to open." Caitlin announces as Iris reaches me. "It's DeVoe."

"Get that pen ready." Iris tells Caitlin

When we're all suited up, Cisco breaches us to the street

Rocky Raymond //Book Four// - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now