Chapter 30 - Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash

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MacKenzie's POV

"Iris, she's the worst." I tell her. "She has all these rules, she won't let me leave my room after 9 pm, and she locks me in the house."

"Mack, I'm sorry, sweetheart." Iris says, slightly frustrated and covering her face with her hands. "After how you reacted in court last week, they labeled you a flight risk. Joe says that all the rules she has are mandatory for flight risks."

"That's so unfair." I groan, slouching down in my chair

"Wait a second, how did you get here?" Iris asks

I slowly sit up

"Did you run away?" Iris asks

"No!" I tell her. "Promise, I didn't. It's Tuesday. I ditched school."

"MacKenzie!" Iris exclaims.
"Do you really expect me to go to school right now?" I ask her. "With everything going on? Barry in jail, me in foster care, and finding out my mom wasn't my mom?"

Iris buries her head in her hands again

"Alright." Iris says. "Come on, I'll take you back to the house later."

"Thank you." I say.


In the cortex...

"Cecile's a telepath?" Harry asks. "Well, that's way more important than getting Allen out of prison! Not!"

"Sick burn, Hare." Ralph says

"Please don't encourage him." Caitlin pleads

"As a former prisoner, I can tell you--" Harry starts.

"No, that was gorilla prison." Cisco says

"Gorilla prison is worse." Harry says. "They throw their scat at you. I can tell you that Allen is sitting in his cell, suffering, while this guy, DeVoe, continues his plan unabated."

"Harry, Cecile filed an appeal last week." Iris says

"We have no new evidence, so that doesn't matter." Harry says

"We have satellites on the DeVoes." Caitlin says

"And they haven't made a move in weeks, so that doesn't matter!" Harry exclaims

"Well, Barry's in gen pop, so worst case, he can always phase out, or I can breach him out." CIsco says

"And then he'd be a fugitive." Harry says. "And by the way, Ramon, why do we not have eyes on him in there?"

"Hey, it's a pain trying to get into an analog camera from here, no matter how hard I hack." Cisco says

"Hack harder." Harry says, then he looks to me. "Or have the kid do it, maybe she'll be able to do something. We're nowhere. This team is nowhere, and this is the team that got Barry out of a pantemporal speed prison, and we can't spring him from a county jail?"

"Harry, we are working just as hard as you, okay?" Iris says. "And yes, it kills me to admit it, but we are at a roadblock, so Barry is just gonna have to....Hold on. I mean, I can't even imagine what he's going through."


"So, Barry asked you to ask us to get this guy out of prison?" Caitlin asks Joe

"Barry had gotten close to this guy, who says he's innocent." Joe says. "It was a case of mistaken identity."

"Well, from what I could find out on CCPN's archives, Big Sir's case does sound a bit suspect." Iris says, pulling up the file. "15 years ago, he was found guilty of shooting a guard, but there was no apparent motive."

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