Chapter 10 - Elongated Journey into the Night

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MacKenzie's POV

I walk into the workroom.

Harry has his legs up on the table and Cisco opens the vent system to crawl out.

"Huh." I say, watching. I jump onto the desk across from them.

"Ramon, do you think it's wise to be sneaking around a technologically weaponized facility?" Harry asks.

Cisco spots me.

"Mack does it all the time." Cisco says.

"I'm small and I know my way around the building." I tell him. "Don't accidently blow something up by touching the wrong wire."

"That's a thing?" Cisco asks.

"We're in STAR freaking labs." I tell him. "Of course it's a thing."

"However dangerous, it's a lot safer than what I'm up against out there, so..." Cisco trails off.

"Coffee didn't go well, I take it?" Harry asks.

"Well, Gypsy's dad wants to hunt me for 24 hours to see if I'm worthy of his daughter." Cisco says. "No powers so, don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do about that."

"Fight back." Harry says.

"I swear, it's like you're trying to listen, but you just nod while you're thinking of something else." Cisco says. "You're doing it right now."

"Fight back." Harry says again. "Ramon, what did you say? You said no powers?" Cisco holds something up. "Yeah, go ahead. Well, in addition to being Vibe, you have another superpower You're smart in here. All right? Outwardly, you're weak. All right? Too much. But use your outwardly weak appearance to your advantage. He's gonna anticipate a pathetic target. Well, you're pathetic. You're pathetic. You're weak."

I laugh a little.

"Not helping, just hurting." Cisco tells Harry.

"All I'm saying is, set a trap, okay?" Harry suggests. "Beat him at his own game. Set a trap."

"Set a trap." Cisco repeats.

"That's right, a trap." Harry says.

"A trap, I can do." Cisco says. "Cause he may be the Predator, but I'm the Schwarzenegger."

"Where is he?" An angry voice growls from the hallway. At the sound of the voice, I gasp, jumping off of the table and running over to Harry because Cisco has already gone into the vents. A man comes in. "He was here."

"Uh, he went that way." Harry says, pointing somewhere randomly.

The man leaves.

"He's scary." I tell Harry.

"That's what I'm saying!" Cisco exclaims from the vents.


I walk into the cortex to see Caitlin and Ralph standing there. Iris is by the computer desks.

"Hey, you're not spaghetti anymore." I say.

"No I am not." Ralph says.

"Your vitals are fantastic." Caitlin tells Ralph.

"Yeah." Ralph says.

Barry and Joe walk in.

"You're blackmailing the Mayor?" Barry asks.

"Classic Barry Allen." Ralph says. "Enters room and accuses wildly."

"We know about the photos, Ralph." Joe says.

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