Chapter 33 - Helping Myself

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MacKenzie's POV

Cecile and Ralph did a bunch of crazy stuff and Barry got released

Barry's home!

Only one small problem...

I'm still in foster care until there's an adoption case made for me

But...I think I may have handled it

You see, while all the adults were busy being adults, I decided to help myself....but I'll get to that part in a second...first we need to see this...


You see, our story actually starts about 4 days ago and, well, you can see for yourself

I pace around my room

It's 10 pm and my foster mom just locked me in for the night - which, by the way, blows

I continue to pace around, looking at my laptop on my bed and waiting for it to load

"Please, please, please..." I clasp my hands, waiting

This hacking job is only taking longer than normal cause I'm trying to hack into government records

Which are like, very very very sealed and confidential (as they should be), but some surface-level material is much easier to get than other things

With this hack, I should get Joelle Quinn's home address, work address, phone number, birth day, hospital records, etc

I know what my birth certificate says, but I need to know if she's truly truly truly my birth mother before I do anything

Ding! The files uploaded

I scan the hospital records...Christmas day 14 years ago she gave birth to me

Her home address....Springfield, Ohio - just under 100 miles away from Central City

It's now 11 pm, I've been doing a lot of research

I look to my window

I close my laptop, putting it into my backpack

I shoulder my backpack and walk over to my window, opening up the glass and putting my hands on the sill

I look down

I'm on the second story and it's not that bad of a drop

I climb up on the ledge, stepping onto the sill and duck my head under so I'm outside of my window

"Here we go." I breathe. "Here we go...I got this...I got this...come on, quakes, don't fail me now."

Without waiting another moment, I jump off of the sill and drop down

I throw my arms down to my sides and my quakes pulse through to the ground, slowing my fall

I land on the ground on my feet and fall to my knees

"It worked." I breathe out, standing up. "I can't believe that actually worked."

I look back at the house, all the lights are off

"Alright, let's do this." I say, grabbing the straps of my backpack and walking

I did not walk all the way to Springfield, that would be insane

What I did do, was catch a train

And man, people do not know how to mind their own damn business

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