Chapter 28 - The Elongated Knight Rises

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MacKenzie's POV

"You better hurry up, because these hostages don't have much time." The man says before looking back and realizing they were gone.

I walk in.

"Tremors..." The man says, shocked.

"That's right. And you...should have gone with a steak, pal." Ralph says, stretching in next to me. "Cause it's the last decent meal you're getting for the next five to ten years." Ralph looks to me with a smile. I shake my head at his attempted hero line.

"Who the hell are you?" The man asks.

"Your friendly neighborhood superhero." Ralph says. "You can call me...uh, Mr...uh...One second." He stutters out, turning to his comms. "Guys, this is a huge moment for me. What's my name?"

"I was wondering where you were going with that." Cisco says

"Hey, hey, where are my hostages?" The man asks.

"Uh, bathroom break." Ralph says, "They just couldn't hold it anymore. Don't worry, though, they're totally safe."

Ralph takes a few steps forwards

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." The man says, holding the bomb detonator up. "Get back, freak."

"Freak, oh, sticks and stones may break my bones, buddy." Ralph says. "Well, they used to.

Not anymore."

"I'll blow this whole city block." The man says

"Uh, you do realize you're a part of that block, right?" Ralph asks. "Come on, man, it's a weekday. People just want to get off work, go home, and watch the boob tube. So why don't you take off that vest and--"

"No, don't touch me!" The man yells,

Ralph takes the bomb off of the man's vest. At the same time, the man presses the detonation trigger and I drop to the ground, ducking out of the way as Ralph throws the bomb into his own belly

The bomb explodes in him

The man drops to the ground, dead

"Ralph, are you okay?" Iris asks

"Yeah." Ralph manages to get out once he's caught his breath. "Yeah, just, uh, wicked heartburn."


"Let this be a lesson to all of you would-be criminals out there." Ralph says on the TV. We're watching the news back in the cortex. I had fled the scene with Joe's help earlier, the last thing I need is to be on camera. "Catching you won't be too much of a stretch."

"And so, our streets are safe again, thanks to Central City's funniest new hero, The Stretchy Man." The news lady says

"Okay. Embarrassing." Iris says stopping the TV. "Cisco, next time you're going with him."

"Iris, a chicken needs to leave its roost sooner or later, especially when that chicken insists on doing his own solo mission." Cisco says

"Which you guys didn't listen to cause you sent Mack with me." Ralph says

"Woah, I was following orders." I say, taking my hair out of my ponytail.

"Anyway, this is bad." Iris says

"This is really bad. Stretchy Man, that's a terrible name. Also, now that I'm going to be on TV all the time, this grey suit, got to go." Ralph says

"Hey, easy, chickadee." Cisco says

"Yeah, even I don't have a suit yet." I say, looking over at Cisco who drops his head

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