Chapter 31 - Honey I Shrunk Team Flash

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MacKenzie's POV

"So, in hindsight, I can see how putting you guys in a hamster cage could be humiliating." Iris says

"You think?" Cisco asks from the lego set

"I'm sorry for that." Iris says

"For the record, this is awesome, but why do you guys have a giant LEGO set anyway?" Ralph asks

"Isn't it cool?" I ask, agreeing with Ralph

"It is a three-dimensional model of the place where I was predestined to be brutally murdered by a twisted future version of Barry." Iris says

"That guy." Cisco says, pointing to the lego figure of Savitar

"But what a difference a year makes." Iris says

Harry walks in with a big machine

"Whoa." I say, looking up from the legos I was playing with

"What did you do to my bazooka?" Cisco asks

"Well, I turned your bazooka into an embiggening bazooka, with the help of the dwarfstar alloy we stole from Rundine's apartment, and improving upon Ray Palmer's amateurish schematics, presto-chango, embiggening bazooka." Harry says. He points the bazooka at Ralph and Cisco. "Now, if you'll just hold on..."

"Whoa, whoa-whoa-whoa, we're gonna do this now?" Iris asks

"Well, yeah." Harry says. "Rundine's in the wind. These two are small. We need to embiggen them, and we need to free an innocent man, so..."

"Okay, first of all, embiggen is not a word, and second of all, shouldn't we test this first?" Iris asks

"Hey!" Cisco calls. "I'll be a test subject! Come on! Take me!"

"Sure, why not?" Iris says

"That's the spirit." Harry says. "Here here we go. And...West?"

"Hm?" Iris asks

"You should probably, um..." Harry trails off

"Oh, God, yeah." Iris says, moving. "Sorry."

"And three, two, one." Harry says

The bazooka shoots Cisco and Ralph

"Nope. Still tiny." Ralph says

Ralph and Cisco shake

"Hey, are we supposed to be doing that?" Cisco asks once they've stopped

We go to the cortex where Caitlin pulls up a monitor on Ralph and Cisco's cells on the tv

"Oh, no." Harry simply says. "Their cells are exploding."

"Whatever that embiggening gun did to Ralph and Cisco seems to have destabilized them on an atomic level." Caitlin says

"How long do they have?" Iris asks

"At this rate, I would guess complete cellular explosion within ten hours." Caitlin says


"Maybe we could use a biochemical treatment and target the pituitary glands?" Caitlin asks

" could help me with my homework." I suggest, looking up from my Spanish notebook

Harry and Caitlin look back, Harry giving me a look

"That doesn't seem like the most pressing issue." Harry says. He turns back to Caitlin. "As you were saying."

"Flood them with human growth hormones?" Caitlin suggests

"No, that will just accelerate their d... It'll make things worse." Harry says

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