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"alright, kids, busy day today! our plan is to go get wooyoung's cast off, then run yunho over to his dance rehearsals, then drop wooyoung off at renji's house, you'll have some time to work on your homework, then we have to bring everyone to pick up yunho from dance rehearsals because right after, then grabbing wooyoung, then we're going straight over to check jongho out of the place, bring jongho to the psychiatrist to get his medicine, come home for a little while more, then run to yunho's dance recital. and somewhere in the middle of there, we need to go on a quick run and buy everyone some more school supplies that you're running low on. alright?" hongjoong spoke loudly and energetically.

"so when are we leaving to get wooyoung's cast—" "in five minutes, get ready! san, you and yunho are coming with because not only does wooyoung need support from his brothers, i'll need you as a sidekick to make sure i got the first three things done. and yunho has rehearsals to get to. let's go."

hongjoong then basically rounded up the three of them, and they all left quickly.

seonghwa looked in the rearview mirror, seeing three of his kids sitting quietly in their seats. san was on his phone, occasionally showing mingi something that made the pair giggle, while yeosang sat way in the back of the large family van, listening to music in his headphones and staring out the window.

"so up here go right, then-" "at this light?" "yeah, go right, then the venue yunho is dancing it will be coming up if you go straight for a while." "alright. so-"

seonghwa's words were cut off, and everyone went silent as they heard a phone ringing in the backseat.

yeosang looked down at his phone, and gasped.

he hid his face in his hands, as san took at look at the caller, yelling "it's beomseok! pick it up, yeosang! he's waiting! everyone be quiet!"

yeosang picked up the call, holding the phone to his ear, as he curled up in a ball and tried his best to hold back his tears. everyone held their breaths and watched yeosang as it went silent, before hearing quiet words coming from the phone.

"hey, yeosang... i know you can't really talk to me, so i don't expect you to say anything, obviously.. i promised i would call you, so i just wanted to let you know that i think i'm ready to try this again. i'll be coming back to school on monday, my family is doing much better. i hope you're doing well.. how about i facetime you later tonight?" beomseok explained. yeosang let out a shaky noise resembling a "mm" to accept beomseok's suggestion.

"alright. i love you. see you soon." he said and hung up. that was when yeosang started crying.

"let's ask him about it later." san smiled.

"yeah.. i'm guessing the outcome was good, though." mingi said, while san reached in the back and patted yeosang's head happily.

once they picked up yunho, the oldest was told about yeosang's surprise.

yunho got excited and ran to the back of the van, taking a seat across from yeosang and gently tapping his shoulder. yeosang lifted his head slowly, only enough for his red, teary eyes to be in view. yunho smiled and patted his brother's head, saying "so? what happened? san told me that beomseok finally called you."

yeosang finally looked all the way up at yunho, wiped his tears, and smiled.

'he said he's coming back to school, and he wants to see me again. we're gonna be together again.' yeosang signed happily, making yunho's face light up.

"alright, jongho... your family is here to check you out of the facility. say goodbye to your friends. take your time, no rush." a woman said to the child, waiting by the exit as he slowly approached his friend group.

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