» ᵀᴴᴵᴿᵀᵞ-ˢᴱᵛᴱᴺ «

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"m-mo..m.. da.. d-d-dad... yun..h-ho.. s..san... mi-min.. min..gi... woo.. y-yo.. wooyoung... jong.. jongho... y..yeo.. yeos-sang..."

the whole family began clapping. yeosang smiled.

oh, right. you don't know what's going on.

at that moment, yeosang was doing a little presentation for the family, wanting to show off what he'd been learning all by himself. he was fourteen years old, he knew he'd have to learn at least some speech eventually. and since the day he was told that he'd probably never talk, it sparked a motivation in him to prove the doctors wrong.

'i'm not done yet.' he signed and smirked.

everyone quieted down. yeosang cleared his throat.

"h-h-hi... m-my na-na.. my n-name... i-is—" he suddenly froze.

it felt like something in his brain had turned off. the comprehension he had of the words he was trying to speak started to go down, everything became a blur in his mind and he couldn't remember how to say his own name.

he tried to remind himself how it sounded by muttering random consonants, but it didn't work.

he started to get freaked out. the boy began worrying about it more and more, and became embarrassed when he saw the concerned looks on his family's faces.

his breathing went faster. he started to back away, wanting to just cower away from everyone.

"honey, are you alright?" hongjoong asked. "take your time..." "yeosang, it's okay, you can do it.." "don't worry, you were doing so good, we know you can do it!" everyone started to say encouraging things to him, but it only made him more terrified. they were telling him he could do it but he didn't think he could.

'i.. i can't do it..' he signed slowly.

seonghwa finally got up, and walked over to give the child a big hug.

"stop staring at him. it's making him nervous."

with seonghwa's words, just about all of the brothers sort of shrugged off the whole situation and went into their rooms to chill out.

well, all except yunho.

while yunho stood behind seonghwa, hongjoong went up and stroked the panicking boy's hair.

"it's alright, sangie, we get it.. it's alright if you can't say everything. you did great with what you were able to say. we're all proud of you, okay? you're doing so well." hongjoong said in an effort to comfort yeosang.

and it did. but yeosang was still frustrated.

'but.. i want to talk so bad... i hate not being able to talk like everyone else can, i-'

he stopped, then slowly looked up at both of his parents, before hanging his head and sighing. 'just let me go to my room. i need to keep practicing.' he then sighed quickly, basically pushing himself out of seonghwa's grasp and walking stubbornly into the hallway. yunho followed behind him as fast as he could without making it obvious he was following behind him.

when yeosang walked into his room, he was surprised when he found wooyoung sitting on his bed, waiting for him to come in.

"yeosang, you're upset. talk to me. don't try that 'it's nothing' shit with me, either."

'i don't want to talk to you.'

"but why? you know that if you bottle in all your emotions, you're eventually gonna blow. and you're gonna worry the rest of us if you have a breakdown like that then just hide away and don't say anything. do you really want us to be worried?"

'wooyoung, you're being weird.. i don't like it. please just leave me alone.'

"yeah. leave him alone." yunho suddenly said.

yeosang and wooyoung both turned their heads to the doorway, where yunho was standing, looking angry at the youngest.

"okay, okay, fine, just trying to help... good lord, yunho. you need to stop getting defensive over everyone else at me." "well maybe, just maybe, i wouldn't be getting so defensive if you weren't the one who constantly hurts their feelings and doesn't care about it?"

yeosang groaned. he was so tired of listening to these two bickering every single day.

'you guys need to—' "well maybe i'm just trying to help? i'm sorry that i don't sugarcoat everything and act like everything's full of sunshine and rainbows, like you do!"

"i don't! i'm just a little more caring and understanding!" "well i'm pretty sure-"

"s-shut u..up! shut u-up!" yeosang yelled.

both of the boys went dead silent in an instant. they both knew very well that if yeosang spoke, then he was obviously very, very upset about whatever situation they were in. the two finally brought their attention to yeosang.

'you know, it's sad that i have to yell like that to get you two to stop fighting over useless things! you're both acting so pathetic, stop fighting for two seconds! you're thirteen and fourteen years old, act your age, and please, if you want to fight, can you not do it in my room?' yeosang signed in annoyance. wooyoung finally stood up and left, intentionally bumping yunho's shoulder as he passed by.

once they finally left, yeosang fell onto his bed and let out a long sigh.

"did you two seriously fight again?"

yunho and wooyoung both immediately stopped, seeing hongjoong sitting on the couch with a stern look on his face.

"well, kind of..." "yes. we did."

"oh my god, you know, i'm getting really tired of both of you yelling at each other with every opportunity you get! you two need to stop for a second, and think about how ridiculous you sound when you bicker like that!" hongjoong began to lecture. he knew he had to be harsh with them, because seonghwa's method of only light punishments and being nice to them wasn't working.

"if you two fight one more time, i will—and i'm not joking around—literally lock you two in a room alone together, and make you hold hands for an hour. so if i hear about anymore arguing, guess what, you better go wash your hands and get ready to sit in a room for an hour." hongjoong stated.

"no!" wooyoung and yunho whined in unison.

"i don't care, it's what's gonna happen if you wanna keep up all this bickering."

"that's not fair though!" wooyoung stayed.

"it's perfectly fair." "but i don't want to sit in a room with him! he'll annoy me with every movement he makes!" "then i guess you two shouldn't fight, right?" hongjoong said sternly.

"but what if he starts it?"

"i'm not gonna start it, why would i?"

"well you always start our fights-"

"no i don't! stop lying"

"i'm not lyin—"

"alright, that's it. what did i literally just say? you are thirteen and fourteen years old, so tell me, why is it you fight like toddlers? alright, both of you, in wooyoung's room." hongjoong said.

they both groaned.

i'm literally sad all the time i need to stop
anyways i'm sorry these chapters are so bland i'm trying my best to keep things up
and btw school starts back up tomorrow so if i'm less active y'all will know why

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