» ᵀᴴᴵᴿᵀᵞ-ᶠᴵᵛᴱ «

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"go to hell, yunho." wooyoung spat.

the pair had been bickering all day. the excedrin seonghwa has taken wasn't working, his headache was still there from the amount of fighting yunho and wooyoung had been doing. he wanted to intervene and try to stop them, but it would only make the fight worse and therefore make their moods even worse.

meanwhile, hongjoong was on the couch, researching on his laptop about how to raise kids with opposite personalities.

wooyoung and yunho's personalities were complete opposites, if you couldn't tell already. wooyoung takes to things a little more aggressively, with less thinking and no worrying involved. he's stubborn and will bravely stand up to anyone with little to no fear. yunho, on the other hand, takes things to heart, overthinking and worrying about everything. he's sensitive, and easily persuaded.

this opposition is what constantly caused them to argue every single day. when wooyoung was too forceful on someone or something, yunho would tell him to have some heart and be understanding, similarly, when yunho was too soft and forgiving of something, wooyoung would tell him to man up and be a little mean for once.

anyways, back to the situation.

"alright, that's enough!" seonghwa cut them off.

"no! i need yunho to take one second to use his damn brain and think about all of our problems! he literally doesn't even care about any of his brothers!" "wooyoung!" hongjoong yelled.

"what?! what is it, i'm trying to express my frustration but—"

"wooyoung, please calm down.." yunho begged.

wooyoung paused, death glaring at the older. "you know what? i hate you! i don't love you at all, i wish mom and dad never adopted you! i hope they bring you back to the adoption center and leave you there!" he screamed in yunho's face.

"that's it! wooyoung, go to your room, you're grounded for two days! go, now!" hongjoong finally snapped. 

wooyoung stormed off, slamming his door shut so loudly that it echoed throughout the entire house.

both parents looked over at yunho. he was handing his head and standing completely still. seonghwa was about to speak, when yunho suddenly broke into tears, muttering "i'm a horrible brother" before running off to his room.

seonghwa got up to run after the child, but hongjoong quickly stopped him.

"let him cry it out. he's almost fourteen, he can handle this." the father said. seonghwa agreed, but he still felt terrible for yunho.

meanwhile, yunho had run into the bathroom connected to his room. he sat in the floor after locking the door, crying to himself and beating himself up inside over wooyoung's words. his crying sounds travelled through the vents, making it audible in wooyoung's, mingi's, and san's rooms.

wooyoung covered his ears and tried to drown out the sound, while mingi and san immediately jumped out of bed and went to check on yunho.

"yunho? what's wrong? why is the door locked—"

"go aw-way, mingi.." yunho said.

"should we get mom or dad?" mingi asked, turning to san for help.

"no, just... i know what to do. how about you go and tell mom and dad, but don't come back in here. i'll talk to him privately." san said. mingi nodded, and left, with a little hesitation.

san sat down in front of the door.

"hey, it's only me, san. you can trust me, so talk to me. what's going on? what's wrong?" san asked softly, trying his best to get yunho to calm down.

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